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About Blastfrog

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    Formerly Sodaholic

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  1. So, for safety purposes, my space heater turns off whenever it unintelligently detects that it's somehow "unsafe" to be on. Thing is, it just won't turn on when I tell it to, because it somehow thinks it knows better than me. I'm cold, damn it!

    So, I guess this thread is supposed to be about how much it sucks when technology in general intentionally refuses the user's direct commands.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. baronofheck82
    3. MajorRawne


      How the hecky-thump can you afford something that heats space? In the words of T'Pol, "space is very big". Does it affect all of space everywhere, or just our solar-system? You're going to get aliens complaining mate, don't make us part of your interstellar war.

      It's not wonder it keeps switching off, it's thinking about your electric bill.

    4. esselfortium


      Just dropping by a couple weeks too late to say "fuck you space hitler"
