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About herooftime1000

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  1. The value of a dollar has decreased, the stock market crashed again, and America might sell itself to a foreign country who is the highest bidder. It all seems so pointless, the world is getting worse everyday and I feel that America will soon feel the wraith of God.

    Sometimes, I wish Benjamin Franklin was still alive. He knew the true value of a dollar. He would make a plan to bring people out of their spending habits. America needs to save money, not spend it.

    Well, I feel all I can do is wait for the inevitable. But remember this.

    Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.

    Thank you for listening to my words.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Sharessa


      DuckReconMajor said:

      You guys shut your mouth about America.

      I no rite.

      Seriously one of my favorite songs, I think.

    3. Snarboo


      Danarchy said:

      Seriously one of my favorite songs, I think.

      The Yes cover is pretty good, too.

  2. herooftime1000

    Angry Nintendo Nerd [Again]

    Bah, the Nostalgia Critic is better than the Nerd. I also go to Yahtzee Croshaw for my game reviews now.
  3. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

    Thank you, Creaphis. Really though, many people don't understand or like a plot about children of Nintendo characters forming a help service, as it falls immediately under the state of fanfiction or "fanboyism." People tend to look down on those kind of stories, but I digress.
  4. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

    Thanks for the thought, but I highly doubt anyone is going to work with a story so far-fetched and strange. So, I gotta do it myself.
  5. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

    Oops! I guess I got the two mixed up. Well, I'll see if I can at least comprehend on what I can do. Personally, you can send this thread to hell. I just wanted to share my thoughts.
  6. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

    I just find it a bit confusing, that's all. I've always had trouble understanding programming language.
  7. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

  8. herooftime1000

    ASCII? Javascript? WTH?

    I've been trying things out to promote my cartoon, I tried out RPG Maker VX and I did very well on the graphics but I got lost immediately in ASCII language in the game so I put that on hold. I tried out Micromedia Fusion 2 and, again, I make good graphics but got lost in the coding. Next is the big one. I'm pretty good at making flash cartoons without the use of Javascript but one of these I'll HAVE to learn it if I want to make unique flashes. Ugh, how come I can be in the zone when it comes to creation, but I get screwed over when I have to learn coding gibberish. I'm sure all lot of you guys know what to do in a pinch.
  9. herooftime1000

    fastseduction.com: trying too hard?

    Same here, Lich. Frankly, unless a girl is interested in me, they can be a waste of time, ya know?
  10. herooftime1000

    Youtube sucks now

    Google will soon buy our souls! AND WE CAN'T SAY NO!
  11. herooftime1000

    Games with the most Phenomenal soundtrack/music you ever heard?

    Oh, gosh. I have so many favorites. The better ones being the Main theme from Zelda and Iron blue Intention from Castlevania.
  12. Well, I hope she liked the heat, cause it will be much hotter for her...Er, assuming she was not a christian.
  13. herooftime1000

    Loved or Feared?

    Would you rather be loved by all the people and receive gifts from the loving masses or would you be feared and force people to give you gifts. Either way, you get gifts. **
  14. herooftime1000

    What do you believe in? (NOT religion.)

    Touche'. I'll shut up.
  15. herooftime1000

    What do you believe in? (NOT religion.)

    Uh, I said NOT religious.