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  • File Reviews

    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
    • By z34chris · Posted
      A playable map.  This wad is very representative of the 1994-1996 time period of new mappers creations.  There is enough ammo and health if you play conservatively and utilize monster in-fighting.
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      Very inconsistent everywhere you look, from the overall feel of the megawad, to each individual level. The balance is all over the place, leading to levels having uber-easy regions mixed with insanely challenging, trial-and-error ambushes. The exploration is very hit and miss, mostly leaning towards miss. A couple of interesting places, but the wad just isn't that fun, even for those who have a high tolerance for old wads like me.    
    • By Havoc Crow · Posted
      An example of how not to make a map. Lots of ugly rooms filled with same types of enemies. The blue key room in particular has about ten hell knights and barons trapped on pillars, and you have only a super shotgun to fight them; thankfully, what _would_ have been a mind-numbingly boring fight is skippable because the blue key is right there for you to take. Errors large and small abound, such as the pass-through metal bars or the clumsy approach to detailing and shading.
      New music, in the form of a bad-sounding midi which barely has any rhythm.
    • By Havoc Crow · Posted
      Finished within 4 minutes or so A 2016 re-release of a 1994 level. The text file warns: "Bad, really bad 1994 quality", and is right; there's nothing whatsoever interesting about this level -- you enter one flat room after another and shoot at haphazardly spread out monsters. There is an "invisible teleporter" gimmick which, however, I have barely noticed in my playthrough. The exit isn't even hidden or locked in any way, and can be easily stumbled into accidentally. There's nothing to say.