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About Ofisil

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  1. Ofisil


    A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
  2. Ofisil

    Dungeon 13

    Very inconsistent everywhere you look, from the overall feel of the megawad, to each individual level. The balance is all over the place, leading to levels having uber-easy regions mixed with insanely challenging, trial-and-error ambushes. The exploration is very hit and miss, mostly leaning towards miss. A couple of interesting places, but the wad just isn't that fun, even for those who have a high tolerance for old wads like me.
  3. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    okay @Jakub Majewski volunteered to help my sorry ass, so we're going live in about a week (I think)
  4. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    k top stuff team! Now... can I have a volunteer for the uploading, as my work barely leaves me any time to visit the forum? PM me if you want so I can send the files. If not it's fine, I'll TRY uploading next week.
  5. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    can anyone else check map15? Sorry, kind of busy week for me....
  6. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    If there's no update from the team, at the end of the month I'll start the uploading business.
  7. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    I'll mention it in the text file. In the wad I'll keep the names as we started the project for the simple reason that many have changed their names a couple of times, and I can't keep up with said changes.
  8. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    Will update the megawad in a few days and wait for about a month in case someone needs to send me an update - then I'll upload to to the archive.
  9. Ofisil

    When did you meet Doom?

    In the first age. In the first battle. When the shadows first lengthened... aka I was there from the very beginning :)
  10. Ofisil

    What music style fits doom the better?

    Thanx for this. Made my day :)
  11. Yeah. Also Doom is one of the least constricting games ever. You can play in a variety of different ways. That's the beauty of it imo
  12. Finally someone tries saying sth other than a joke Edit: Also Shotgun is great on survival-style, low-on ammo mapsets
  13. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    when u have sth ready send it to me. thanx
  14. Ofisil

    THEME-GAWAD: A Doom II Megawad

    Downloading the file right now and reuploding in 5 or so minutes. Plz check and tell me if it's alright. EDIT: Have also uploaded map03's fix