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Eternal Doom

   (356 reviews)
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Eternal is complete. 32 single player levels including six new levels and two bonus levels. Includes a powerful shell. Final DOOM compatible. Download this, unzip it in a new directory and type ETERNAL. Full instructions are in INSTALL.TXT inside. By Team Eternal. http://www.teamtnt.com

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Unknown date

It was just a nightmare. Running all the way across a several mile long map just to find out I need a key all the way back on the other side and to get that key I have run all the way across the map AGAIN to hit a switch that needs another key all the way in some bullshit corner that needs 3 keys to get to. And then there are 32 maps of that same crap.

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Unknown date

Nothing like this will ever be done again. A masterpiece set of levels for the thinking man!

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Unknown date

very good

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Unknown date

One of the all-time classics. Level design and architecture is mostly above-par for its time (and not bad at all for today) and the huge levels filled with nearly 100% new textures make it truely look and feel like a different, medival world, with mostly Doom monsters preventing it from seeming like an entirely different game. There's tons of hard puzzles and with so many big maps, it's sure to keep you entertained for a long time. While sometimes frustrating, I definitely enjoyed it. 5/5

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Unknown date

Well, even if I don't like hexen style puzzles, these maps more than make up for it with impressive size and gothic architecture (my favorite style). Map 12 is my personal fav and kinda sums up what this MW is all about. Year of creation: 1997!!! Would you believe it? It's a classic and it shouldn't be overlooked by anyone looking for awesome doom levels. -TeH NeXuS

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Unknown date

Play it Now!!! 6/5 - NMN

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Unknown date

Level 12 is absolutely insane, considering it's a level 12, and not a level 29 or 30 ... I love solving the puzzles, like finding all the switches to raise the yellow key in level 12. Very good idea ... I wish I could figure out how to make it raise little by little like that ... On the first truly castle level (the one which pits you against a cyber and a spider in the same room) I had to use wadauthor probably three times to figure out what to do. Absolutely my favorite megawad, 7/5.

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Unknown date

I don't know about you but running around for half an hour completely stuck as what to do in a map isn't my idea of a good time. I can't shake the feeling that if the maps were smaller they'd be better either. Also, switch and key hunts never fly, we really should've cracked down on that shit from the start.

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Unknown date

F*cknourmous levels... 'nuff said.

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Unknown date

This is,IMHO, THE megawad of Doom! It has it all: the ubelievable architecture, the gameplay, the ingenious tricks, fantastic theming and atmosefere, completely new texture sheme. Despite being so detailed the levels are actually 4 times bigger than the stock Doom maps. The set is just better than any other in some many things that it makes any other set pale in comparison, for me. It's not an easy ride, the puzzles are sometimes very hexenish, and the levels are really exhausting, but it's a must. 6/5!

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Unknown date

Classic level set. Far beyond the expectations of it's time. And still looks nice to this day.

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Unknown date

WOW..WHAT..A..WAD!! its freakin huge! i love the status bar its BAD ASS!! yeh i mean the final levels are just like wow.....HUGE! i think that if they were to release a sequal it would be even more epic then this one if thats even possible!!!

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Unknown date

I can't believe this is an old school pWAD!!! Still one of the best!

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Unknown date

It's still as great as I remember it. Huge vast levels with an emphasis on puzzles and challenging secrets. The first 15 levels are sublimely designed, but the second half isn't quite up to the same standard set earlier. The last level however is an excellent finish. If you haven't played Eternal yet, then you must! Despite a few average levels later on, I can't give this less than 5 stars. -TRRobin.

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Unknown date

What can I say? This is (I.M.O.) the BEST Doom 2 PWAD ever made. Great music; nice, professionally designed levels that keep your brain active, and what can I say - If I had to choose one PWAD to keep on my hard disk (if I did not have 120 GB :-D) it would be this one. I would even go to say that this PWAD is better than the original Doom 2 IWAD (Stock).

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Unknown date

lots of game time in it. its more than twice as long as the original doom. its high quality and just overall amazing. and most mapas take up to a half hour to complete. eternal doom is what WAD's are suppose to be like.

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Unknown date

Never did care for the length of the maps. Too dark and just way too hyped for it's utter lack of simple manuvering around the maps. Also this is not Co-Op compatible. -Killmur-

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Unknown date

Good but very fucking long, and I had to cheat three times to get through some of the worst puzzles. Combination and timing stuff always does my head in, but it has a great atmosphere and superb soundtrack.

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Unknown date

The level size is ludicrous, especially considering the amount of switch and key hunts that make these huge maps take longer to complete than they ever needed to.

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Unknown date

Eternal is awesome. However its too much to do in one play through. I do about one map and call it quits after around level 8-10+. I only give legendary stars to legendary wads. 5/5

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Unknown date

Re: I dont see why everyone likes this wad it really sux im not even kidding dude i just get to bored with it quickly Fuck you this is 5/5

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Unknown date

Superbe...sublime... 5/5

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Unknown date

5/5 legedary is right.....

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Unknown date

An Epic wad to be remembered in the halls of doom gamers for years to come. 5/5

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Unknown date

A giant map is good only if it is linear and keeps the player from having to backtrack all around a gigantic map. Because of the non-linearity of these huge maps, it doesn't feel like a straightforward adventure, it feels like a chore.

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