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Maximum Matt

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About Maximum Matt

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  1. Maximum Matt

    I'm batman

    I'm Wolverine tho
  2. Maximum Matt

    a not so hard map

    Could be a '94 homage, tho
  3. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

  4. 30 years of that broken Romero pain elemental secret in Industrial Zone
  5. Maximum Matt

    LEGACY OF RUST - overall thoughts?

    Never played it.
  6. Many, many other factors come into play - how far away are they? How much ammo do you have? Are they perched on high columns? Are you playing Pacifist? Are there thirty other lost souls in the level? Did you kill an archvile in the previous level? Did you type IDDQD at any point? Is the archvile actually a zombie trooper? But seriously, the answer is 7
  7. Jump Doom. Someone get on that.
  8. Maximum Matt

    Anyone remember Minesweeper?

    Awesome, thankyou!!!!
  9. Maximum Matt

    Ethics of messing with other people's maps

    Well I'm gonna go ahead and assume you've never played Maximum Doom and waded through all of the horrific E1M1 replacements (not to mention the hundreds of other IWAD vandalizations). I don't need any kind of 'body of work' to 'preach' that, I'll simply repeat what I said, here goes, *clears throat*... create something original.
  10. Maximum Matt

    Ethics of messing with other people's maps

    I'm against it, mainly because of the amount of crap E1M1 manglings I've seen. Create something original