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Nick Perrin

Go To Hell B****! Beta Testers Needed!

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It is a DM mod for zdoom, meant to be used in Zdaemon v1.03, built with weapons that'll make you say "go to hell b****! Hahahahaha!". It features all weapons replaced. Just stick in your favourite PWAD level set and this wad, fire up a server and frag away!

I need beta-testers who will give me advice, ideas, and bug reports. You should know a little about dehacked too, but that doesn't REALLY matter.

It can run in any dehacked-compatible port, but it is meant for zdoom and zdaemon v1.03.

So post away! It should be ready soon. Just write your e-mail, and when you've given it some ample testing, make a post on this forum, explaining every bug and piece of advice in detail.

I will take about five beta-testers. Thanks everyone!!

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I suppose I'll test if you want. I now have a lot of free time aside from my several wads and my style IWAD website. But drop me a line if you don't already have enough testers. I can deathmatch my friend with it. Boom.

Oh, I know DeHacked if that helps. =) Self-taught.


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Nanami said:


KOOL! Same here. I self-taught myself all the DDF basics, too. Just got some exclusive pointers from Cory Whittle and Pilottobombadier.

The mod should be ready at latest by the end of this weekend.

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Okay y'all. I'm almost done the mod. How do these weapons sound?

2-Dual Berettas
3-Sawed-off Shottie
3-Dual Remingtons(yes, double shotguns. Unrealism ro><.)
5-Frag grenade
6-Egon Cannon
7-Not sure yet. Any ideas??????????????

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You want an exotic weapon? Howbout one of them thar dyna-mite crossbow (maybe with some alien explosives instead?) I'd rip it from RD if I could just get the tilesets from the damn grp// (maybe I shouldn't do it across a network? :P

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Can you cut the tiles.art that has the dynamite crossbow in it from the R-Rampage .grp and e-mail it to me? I don't have full version. And the nuke-launcher's already been done in Cap'n Red's Bag o' Blau.

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I'm still trying to get it to work. All the build stuff is a mess compared to how Doom's wads are. :P I'll try though.

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Try using XWE... It works too!!!!!(on .grp files)
So does wintex, but not as well. With XWE, you have to find
the palette.dat, and at the top, click palette, and click use current,
and then save ALL the dynamite crossbow pics as .bmp's, and zip and e-mail 'em!! nperrin@rsgc.on.ca

Edit: Or, I could rip the strife crossbow and make a fast, furious one-hit killer. After all, I am designing these guns to be fun in deatmatch. Not really built for SP.

Example: The gluon cannon fires a stream that makes a kind of laser, but it goes slow. Like the original Plasma rifle, you can use it to entrap your enemies, but I wanted you to be able to strafe away from it while it is still a deadly weapon.

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I got those pics just now. Do not try running programs involving file manipulation like Kextract across networks (2 comps) It doesn't work. I'll email them to you soon. :)

Edit: Shit, forgot the weapon pickup stprite.

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Was the e-mail supposed to have an attachment? It didn't have one that I saw. Just a couple links to your webpage?

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Hey Nick, I found some problems with this, maybe you can fix them.

* deselsecting the M60 is instant (no lowering)
* grenades don't bounce (can be done with boom codepointers)
* why a gluon cannon? (personal preference :P )
* dynamite crossbow (arrow is transparent, should be mirrored, and lowered) explosion does no spash damage like grenades, no sound is played during fire.

Hope this helps. :)

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I know those... but not usually building mods with dehacked, I don't know how to:

Make something NOT transparent, or the other way around if it isn't
Make stuff bounce
Do all that .bex stuff, basically

The other stuff I'll fix.

BTW, the gluon cannon is there to make streaming waves of death for your enemies in DM, but are slow enough for them to escape, or in a corner provide no escape!! Or in another corner complete death with about 500 projectiles! WheEeE! What do you think would be better(I want to know, modder's block!)?

[edit]I don't understand the no firing sound for the dyanmite crossbow... hmmm...[edit]

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Hey Nick could you send that to me? I know dehacked (sort-of), I might be able to fix some of the bugs. But the last time I worked with dehacked I wasted a load of time just to find out that missiles should not be used as monsters. I tried to make a huge cacodemon that made baby cacodemons that grew into normal cacodemons. I think I was using rockets as the babies (its a vague memory).

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