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Barrels block sectors from moving despite not being anywhere near?


Every now and then, I encounter something truly baffling, start typing a request for help, then rubber-duck-debug a solution by myself halfway through. Not today. I can't even begin to guess how the hell is going on.


So, when a sector tries to move, it normally cannot when there's a monster in the way... but it's a lot more restrictive in vanilla, so for example you can't have a monster inside a zero-height sector that gets released when the floor lowers. That much is simple.




Well, here's not one, but THREE bugs in my map that are kind of but also entirely unlike that.

  1. Pressing use on the vents should lower a couple of lifts (sector 31). It doesn't.
  2. In the western red arena, pressing switches should lower walls and columns. It only does the former despite the column sectors not touching anything.
  3. Entering the big northeast room is supposed to raise a ring full of pinkies. It doesn't.


Upon further testing, they only move after blowing up the nearby barrels, despite the barrels being far away. Ironically, the main barrel gimmick (other, unrelated lifts lowering after you shoot them) works okay.

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So apparently all of those diamond sectors with the barrels (like sector 12 etc.) have to be at least 42 units in height, so if you change the ceiling height of all those sectors to 202 it will fix all of those problems.


Edit: there must be a typo in doom builder 1 because it says barrels are 32 units in height, but whacked says they're 42.

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If you have a sector that spans multiple distinct locations, movement block checking actually encompasses the entire area, not just the objects that are in the sectors. You'll need to split up your sectors to prevent this behaviour, or make sure the areas don't cross unrelated actors.

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Exploding barrel has a height of 42 . This from info.c, particualarly line 1906 ...


{        // MT_BARREL
    2035,        // doomednum
    S_BAR1,        // spawnstate
    20,        // spawnhealth
    S_NULL,        // seestate
    sfx_None,        // seesound
    8,        // reactiontime
    sfx_None,        // attacksound
    S_NULL,        // painstate
    0,        // painchance
    sfx_None,        // painsound
    S_NULL,        // meleestate
    S_NULL,        // missilestate
    S_BEXP,        // deathstate
    S_NULL,        // xdeathstate
    sfx_barexp,        // deathsound
    0,        // speed
    10*FRACUNIT,        // radius
    42*FRACUNIT,        // height
    100,        // mass
    0,        // damage
    sfx_None,        // activesound
    S_NULL        // raisestate

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2 hours ago, TimeOfDeath666 said:

So apparently all of those diamond sectors with the barrels (like sector 12 etc.) have to be at least 42 units in height, so if you change the ceiling height of all those sectors to 202 it will fix all of those problems.


Edit: there must be a typo in doom builder 1 because it says barrels are 32 units in height, but whacked says they're 42.


So the barrels affect all those unrelated sectors... but the only height they check is the height of the sector they're actually in? Crazy stuff.


Well, I changed the height of barrels to 32 and everything works now. Thanks everyone!


2 hours ago, Edward850 said:

If you have a sector that spans multiple distinct locations, movement block checking actually encompasses the entire area, not just the objects that are in the sectors. You'll need to split up your sectors to prevent this behaviour, or make sure the areas don't cross unrelated actors.


Makes a lot of sense for the ring-shaped lowering pillar sectors with barrels inside. Less so for the big rising sector with pinkies, which has barrels on the outside, and the lift sectors, which are barely concave, and have all the barrels entirely above them. None of the barrel sectors are joined, either... it would be interesting to understand, but thankfully I now somehow fixed it regardless.

Edited by Scypek2

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Semi-related, but I just have to say that in another map, I PICKED UP A BACKPACK and it caused a glitched floor to resume moving. I don't know what to say.


Edit: And another one! This time, it was a very normal case of a monster being stuck inside a 0-height sector, which prevented...


... a completely different sector from lowering. Both sectors were perfectly rectangular and 64 units away from each other. At this point, I'd make a deal with the devil and lower the visplane limit from 128 to 64 if it meant not having to deal with any of the other bullshit again.

Edited by Scypek2

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