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OSHA-certified E1M1

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5 hours ago, jupiter_ex said:

Wait a minute, what about the glass in the windows. I'm seeing people being shot through the open windows. This is supposed to be a low atmosphere environment, isn't it? I'd like to see glass to be added to the windows, and I guess, strong enough to stand shooting.
And airlocks. :)


Nah, uber-strong glass isn't a requirement; keep in mind that we're only dealing with a 1 atmosphere difference here, which is less than exists inside a can of soda. Granted, plexiglass would probably be used anyways since it's shatter-resistant and just a great material in general, but it's not structurally mandatory by any means.

As for airlocks.... hmmm. I could technically see that being needed, I guess, but also keep in mind that Doomguy is also running around outside without a spacesuit (the security armor isn't a spacesuit because it isn't airtight, even if the helmet had an airsupply you would still be experiencing nasty effects of the low pressure, like swelling.) So he would need to add airlocks that can only open when the other door is closed, AND designated locations for pressure suits, and the pressure suits themselves as a custom item.

quick edit:

On 6/5/2023 at 6:09 PM, Reigada said:

I wonder how E1M8 would look like if it was OSHA certified 

Nah, E1M8 was most likely built by the demons and not the humans, and Hell doesn't have OSHA, so I think that one's good. As a general rule, I would probably assume that techbases require compliance, but heavily corrupted (see: the demons subverting the starport's tech to excuse the jank layouts) or outright hell locations don't need to comply.

Edited by Technoturnovers

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12 minutes ago, Technoturnovers said:


my point was: either glass that would break when shot at (like in Hacx), or glass you can't shoot through. I'm happy with just not letting shots go through for easier implementation. Now what's the glass actually made of in-game is beyond my concern.


And about airlocks, it'd be fine for me with just a set of double doors. No need for they to open in turn. At least for a first implementation. (and if you really want it, putting them at enough distance from one another would make one to close on timeout when you get to the other)

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5 minutes ago, jupiter_ex said:

And about airlocks, it'd be fine for me with just a set of double doors. No need for they to open in turn. At least for a first implementation. (and if you really want it, putting them at enough distance from one another would make one to close on timeout when you get to the other)

The main thing is that when separating a hostile atmosphere from a clean one via an airlock, OSHA requires that you can only have one airlock door open at a time, and that the room in between needs to equalize the pressures and flush out any contaminants first; there are alternative ways of keeping out airborne contaminants from a cleanroom, such as via a positive pressure system where the cleanroom always has a higher pressure than the unclean area, thus making air only flow in one direction outwards, but a secure airlock system would naturally be the only way to deal with a vacuum or near-vacuum environment safely.

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so then I'm left puzzled as how we handle the low atmos situation. I mean, it is supposed to be on low atmosphere right? That's why the doomguy had a helmet (at least initially). Unless the whole moon base is encased in a glass bubble d'sparil style. Then I'm not sure how ships land in the so called hangar.

Idk, I think the issue remains :think:


EDIT: I think I still vote we use bare-bones make-believe airlocks

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On 6/3/2023 at 12:32 PM, OkDoomer174 said:

Inspired by this Reddit post, this is an edit of E1M1 that removes all OSHA violations.


List of changes:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Added another exit; why was the entry door locked?
  • Stairs up to green armor now have railings
  • Ultimate Doom outdoor switch has been removed, door has been properly textured. Who's idea was it to have secret doors, anyway?
  • Nukage barrels and outdoor nukage pool have been properly stored in a properly-marked room, outdoor nukage pool was filled in with dirt
  • Computer room wall is now always open and has a railing
  • Nukage pathway room is now properly marked as containing nukage, pathway is no longer uneven and now has railings
  • Imp platform has been removed. Who makes the only way onto a platform an invisible sensor? It didn't serve any purpose, anyway, besides granting access to more secrets...
  • Registered Doom outdoor exit has been properly marked as a door
  • Loose ammo throughout the level was properly stored
  • Stimpacks and Medikits are now stored on walls instead of being haphazardly thrown on the floor
  • Added fire extinguishers. Whether or not you can pick them up is a different story


Please enjoy this safe work environment as you embark on your demon-killing, hell-clearing adventure.






hey! I made the reddit post! also a doomworld post containing some more osha suggestions!

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21 hours ago, Johnny Cruelty said:

hey! I made the reddit post! also a doomworld post containing some more osha suggestions!

You're my hero.

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22 hours ago, jupiter_ex said:

(lots of conversation about windows and airlocks)

Honestly, this is one of the areas where I have to go by my Golden Rule of Modifying Existing Content: if the modification is not necessary to your primary goal, do not make the modification (looking at you, Terraria Calamity Mod). If this was a "make E1 more realistic" project, sure, there would be airlocks everywhere, but alas, it is not, so for now, I'll just continue putting guardrails everywhere.


Speaking of things I won't implement, as much as I would love to make every map wheelchair accessible, for a lot of them, it simply isn't practical. For example, in the green armor room of E1M1, you would need to make significant changes to add a ramp, or at least big ones to add an elevator. Could it be done? Probably. Do I have the motivation to? Probably not.

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4 hours ago, OkDoomer174 said:

You're my hero.

so questions...
1. are you gonna make more osha levels?

2. if you are, could I make some too? I was thinking maybe doing some episode 2 levels

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On 6/9/2023 at 9:03 PM, OkDoomer174 said:

...if the modification is not necessary to your primary goal, do not make the modification

fair point. I just wasn't sure of what OSHA regulations say about installations in outer space

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Zombies must wear helmets, it's not safe to work without helmets!


Nice wad, it made my day.

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