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[FULL MAP RELEASE] Toxic Stronghold Full Release | Looking For Feedback!

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-- Info --


Hey everyone! I'm very happy to announce, that I have finished my map, Toxic Stronghold. This has taken weeks to finish, and I know that a few of you have been very exited to see the full version of this map, and... here it is! The map shouldn't be to long, and it only has 2 keys. I am also of course looking for feedback on this map so that I can make my next maps as good as possible! I hope all of you enjoy the full version of the map. You can also download the previous versions. Have fun with the map everyone!


-- Instructions for running the map --

Run the map with GZDoom

The map uses the format GZDoom: Doom 2 UDMF

Run the map without jumping or crouching

The map uses the Doom 2 IWad

The map also uses custom textures. However they should work with just the wad file.


-- Credits --

The map uses otex textures.

The music featured in the map is "E1M1: At Dooms Gate" from the Doom soundtrack.


-- Download --

[FULL] DOWNLOAD FULL VERSION [Wad File] (This is the final release)

[WIP] Download (Old) Updated Version! (Update 2) [Wad File] (This is the old version)

[WIP] Download (Old) Updated Version! (Update 1) [Wad File] (This is the old version)

[WIP] Download First Version! [Wad File] (This is the old version)


-- Screenshots --











Edited by LagZero : Added proper credits.

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So far loving it.


It feels right at home in Doom2.  Heres my feedback:


-first room give me vibes like it shouldn't be fully exposed to outside.  im thinking, 3d floor 0 thickness using like the BRNSMAL1 texture to make a psuedo roof but its still the skybox above it.

-Wider the hallways.  Dont like the tight fits in some parts that are only 64 wide.  Doorways are cool but not just like the hall, too small imo

-3D floor the puddle in 2nd room and make it swimmable underground cave network utilizing the empty space of the arena above, fill it with health or armor pickups ir something.

-monsters on the top right platform entering 2nd area for some reason didnt wake up, maybe look into that

-UAC sign on the left of 2nd room, id have that doing scroll texture left or something just to contrast the rest of the static area

-secret platform i think 1 of 2 things could be done. either make it like a 30 second timer, but non repeatable so the player can lock themselves out, or shorten the timer to just a second or 2 longer than it takes to run there if you know where it is, overall not waiting on a platform just helps with flow and forward momentum.  (also secret needs a reason to exist, blue armor or something)

-death pit in the 3rd room, while obvious, still annoying that theres no way out, i would add a small lift to one of the corners just so no one rage quits your map by throwing themselves in the death pit lol

-finally, im a border texture whore so id like to just see more of them. or using textures in creative ways to border.  METAL2-METAL5 all make great 32x32 corner pillars.


you may have noticed i didnt mention anything about monster placement, and thats because i think the current placement is fucking immaculate.  The map on UV can definetly catch you off guard, but its fair about it.  Closets are very strategicly placed and at least in my run, the timing seemed almost perfect.  after picking up the launcher i was engulfed in combat.  as soon as i was done with one moster, another popped out somewhere..  the first room felt very tight and delibrate with its placement.  2nd while feeling more like a peterson room killed it with the barrels.  i was basically out of ammo after clearing room 1 so pistoling the barrels was a god send.


Super excited to see this in final form 


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btw just wanted to throw up, this is what i mean by the 0 thickness 3d floor roof thing. i think it would look sick on that first roomimage.png.f6c43da64c11ba4e7a172385eae9429d.png

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Did... you post this topic twice?

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9 hours ago, Hebonky said:

Did... you post this topic twice?

Counting the screenshot, no, I think he posted it three times.

But no judging, if one day i'll come with a map made by myself I'm pretty sure I would post it in every subsection of the forum (and this would be my final day here because of that)


Anyway, i tried the map and it's pretty ok for an (unfinished) opening, the only thing that bothers me, but it's personal, is the trap when you pick the rocket launcher and you instantly get surrounded by pinkies, not very fond of that kind of facerocketing incitement.


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14 hours ago, Hebonky said:

Did... you post this topic twice?

Yes, I accidentally pressed the back arrow (in browser) and it took me to when I was still making the post, assuming it wouldn't post it twice, I clicked the button to post it. And then I realized that it was posted twice, but I don't know how to delete a post lol.

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5 hours ago, apichatpong said:

Anyway, i tried the map and it's pretty ok for an (unfinished) opening, the only thing that bothers me, but it's personal, is the trap when you pick the rocket launcher and you instantly get surrounded by pinkies, not very fond of that kind of facerocketing incitement.

Yeah, I might need to rebalance that a bit, I'm hearing a few complaints about that lol. In my testing of the map it was fine, but that's probably because I made the map. I guess that's why feedback matters xd.

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15 hours ago, shroomzy5000 said:

btw just wanted to throw up, this is what i mean by the 0 thickness 3d floor roof thing. i think it would look sick on that first roomimage.png.f6c43da64c11ba4e7a172385eae9429d.png

I might add something similar to that. But I'm not a big fan of 3D floors, especially because this map is supposed to be a more classic style of map. However, I might add something similar like some beams going across the ceiling. Thanks for the amazing feedback!

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15 hours ago, shroomzy5000 said:

So far loving it.


It feels right at home in Doom2.  Heres my feedback:


-first room give me vibes like it shouldn't be fully exposed to outside.  im thinking, 3d floor 0 thickness using like the BRNSMAL1 texture to make a psuedo roof but its still the skybox above it.

-Wider the hallways.  Dont like the tight fits in some parts that are only 64 wide.  Doorways are cool but not just like the hall, too small imo

-3D floor the puddle in 2nd room and make it swimmable underground cave network utilizing the empty space of the arena above, fill it with health or armor pickups ir something.

-monsters on the top right platform entering 2nd area for some reason didnt wake up, maybe look into that

-UAC sign on the left of 2nd room, id have that doing scroll texture left or something just to contrast the rest of the static area

-secret platform i think 1 of 2 things could be done. either make it like a 30 second timer, but non repeatable so the player can lock themselves out, or shorten the timer to just a second or 2 longer than it takes to run there if you know where it is, overall not waiting on a platform just helps with flow and forward momentum.  (also secret needs a reason to exist, blue armor or something)

-death pit in the 3rd room, while obvious, still annoying that theres no way out, i would add a small lift to one of the corners just so no one rage quits your map by throwing themselves in the death pit lol

-finally, im a border texture whore so id like to just see more of them. or using textures in creative ways to border.  METAL2-METAL5 all make great 32x32 corner pillars.


you may have noticed i didnt mention anything about monster placement, and thats because i think the current placement is fucking immaculate.  The map on UV can definetly catch you off guard, but its fair about it.  Closets are very strategicly placed and at least in my run, the timing seemed almost perfect.  after picking up the launcher i was engulfed in combat.  as soon as i was done with one moster, another popped out somewhere..  the first room felt very tight and delibrate with its placement.  2nd while feeling more like a peterson room killed it with the barrels.  i was basically out of ammo after clearing room 1 so pistoling the barrels was a god send.


Super excited to see this in final form 


Amazing feedback! I'll make sure to try to incorporate some of that into the final map! However, I am not really a big fan of 3D floors, so I probably wont add any of those, especially because this is a classic style of map.

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48 minutes ago, LagZero said:

Amazing feedback! I'll make sure to try to incorporate some of that into the final map! However, I am not really a big fan of 3D floors, so I probably wont add any of those, especially because this is a classic style of map.

Thinking more about it I agree with you.  One of the biggest things I loved about the map is that it felt like a vanilla doom2 level.  adding all the new age stuff takes away from that forsure!  Let me know when you update this and drop the full version i really want to see it in final form

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1 minute ago, shroomzy5000 said:

Thinking more about it I agree with you.  One of the biggest things I loved about the map is that it felt like a vanilla doom2 level.  adding all the new age stuff takes away from that forsure!  Let me know when you update this and drop the full version i really want to see it in final form

Yeah. Hopefully I'll be able to get the full version out in a day or 2. I usually get carried away adding small little details to the first few rooms and I forget to make the rest of the map lol.

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10 hours ago, LagZero said:

Can you explain what you mean by "Missing an exit", because the lift in the second slime pit is supposed to be there so that you can get out if you fell in. Can you also explain by you mean by "Light on decorations"?



Yes, by missing an exit, I mean that while I found every secret and killed every monster, I did not find the level exit. Players would appreciate knowing that there is no exit before playing. WIP doesn't necessarily mean there is no way to win, and when you present a map the base expectation is that it will be winnable. Please note in your OP that there is no exit. 


When I said "light on decorations", this is a little bit less precise. Shroomzy5000 is making some suggestions about embellishing what you have and making it special. Those are only his suggestions, the rest is up to you. The map does not grab attention. It is not exceptional, it is small and plain. That is not necessarily a bad thing for a first level with an exit. the opening levels to the base games were not exceptional in that respect, but they were short preludes to something more. Toxic Stronghold was presented alone and incompleteness is impression that it leaves by itself. Even as a first level I feel like this level should have something more.


You should not make a new thread every time you update your project. The other thread should have been a bump to this one. You can edit your OP with the new download link and bump the post with a new update. Your level has like three threads now. It's excessive. 

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27 minutes ago, Nihlith said:




Yes, by missing an exit, I mean that while I found every secret and killed every monster, I did not find the level exit. Players would appreciate knowing that there is no exit before playing. WIP doesn't necessarily mean there is no way to win, and when you present a map the base expectation is that it will be winnable. Please note in your OP that there is no exit. 


When I said "light on decorations", this is a little bit less precise. Shroomzy5000 is making some suggestions about embellishing what you have and making it special. Those are only his suggestions, the rest is up to you. The map does not grab attention. It is not exceptional, it is small and plain. That is not necessarily a bad thing for a first level with an exit. the opening levels to the base games were not exceptional in that respect, but they were short preludes to something more. Toxic Stronghold was presented alone and incompleteness is impression that it leaves by itself. Even as a first level I feel like this level should have something more.


You should not make a new thread every time you update your project. The other thread should have been a bump to this one. You can edit your OP with the new download link and bump the post with a new update. Your level has like three threads now. It's excessive. 

Thanks for the feedback. I usually don't include exits in my W.I.P maps because I don't usually think I need to. And thanks for telling me about just editing a post. I usually forget that I can do that lol.

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10 hours ago, LagZero said:

Thanks for the feedback. I usually don't include exits in my W.I.P maps because I don't usually think I need to. And thanks for telling me about just editing a post. I usually forget that I can do that lol.


Yes. And in this case more is more. The opening room with the slime pool looks good, plays well, seems well balanced. The computer terminal in the wall is a nice touch to the relatively austere space and the 'X' over the skylight with the accompanying shadow cuts the space interestingly. The textures change in ways that seem organic. The ambush works well and it's vicious. From there seems less and less... complete? The courtyard is fine and the light posts are an interesting but relatively inconspicuous touch. Maybe it would benefit from nooks and crannies in the walls? A light effect? Maybe nothing. 

There are two secrets here, then the dark and dangerous halls filled with exploding barrels. It might be a fine first level. Short, linear, with practice it could be an easy three minutes and there are secrets left behind to reward stubbornly inquisitive players. I say, add an exit and slap it in the ass, its done for now, or make it more and better. More rooms, more monsters, more ways to go, maybe 3D effects like Shroomzy suggests.


There is another thing you might want to add though. Most maps have an element in them that is suggestive of the outside world, that makes them seem a part of something larger than they are. The sky is a good start, and the weird towers you can teleport to are leaning in that direction. I wonder what it would look like if there were similar features that were out of reach somewhere else? Maybe the other side of the courtyard? 

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2 minutes ago, Nihlith said:

There is another thing you might want to add though. Most maps have an element in them that is suggestive of the outside world, that makes them seem a part of something larger than they are. The sky is a good start, and the weird towers you can teleport to are leaning in that direction. I wonder what it would look like if there were similar features that were out of reach somewhere else? Maybe the other side of the courtyard? 

This is actually quite a good suggestion! I might be able to make a custom skybox and make it seem like the U.A.C base is part of a larger area. Maybe I'll add something like watch towers in the distance or something like that. Also, at the moment, I am planning to add a bit of a story to the map. And I'm planning to add stuff within the map to hint towards that story. For example, a room filled with makeshift beds and crates... maybe suggesting that this base/facility was converted to a shelter before being taken over by demons. Anyways, thanks for the feedback!

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Whenever you post on a thread it bumps it up the list. You don't need a new one every time you make a change to your wad.

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8 minutes ago, Nihlith said:

Whenever you post on a thread it bumps it up the list. You don't need a new one every time you make a change to your wad.

And why is this original post on the 4th page?

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It's on page one right now. It was bumped up there as soon as I left my last comment. This comment will bump it again. Every time someone posts on a thread it bumps the thread and over time threads that aren't being commented on get further down. It just means that the site is busy. It's not a bad thing. People have threads about their projects that they update weekly, monthly or even less frequently and it always bumps them to the top of the  queue so that everyone can see what they're up to. Doom World is set up to show you what's happening right now unless you use the search function to look further back for something specific. When there is a new development with Toxic Stronghold post it here, it will keep all of the comments together and show how the project has changed over time. Creating new threads every day looks like spamming.  

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44 minutes ago, Nihlith said:

It's on page one right now. It was bumped up there as soon as I left my last comment. This comment will bump it again. Every time someone posts on a thread it bumps the thread and over time threads that aren't being commented on get further down. It just means that the site is busy. It's not a bad thing. People have threads about their projects that they update weekly, monthly or even less frequently and it always bumps them to the top of the  queue so that everyone can see what they're up to. Doom World is set up to show you what's happening right now unless you use the search function to look further back for something specific. When there is a new development with Toxic Stronghold post it here, it will keep all of the comments together and show how the project has changed over time. Creating new threads every day looks like spamming.  

oh wait what the f*ck

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I have completed toxic_stronghold_full.wad Toxic Stronghold with GZDoom with Brutal Doom Community Expansion brutalv21.14.2.pk3 DOOM mod, suspenseful DOOM2 map, 85/100.


The main drawback for Toxic Stronghold was the absence of lighting in the level, because numerous areas in the level were completely dark, but the level was full of action, suspense, and made to a high DOOM mapping standard.


MAP01 - toxic stronghold

Areas of MAP01 do not feel empty, because you really can't see what is in the level most of the time due to the fact lighting is completely absent as you progress in the level.  As you progress through the level, you will only find more surprises waiting for you, because not only is the level very dark, the level is full of enemy ambushes. The enemy ambushes were the best part of the map, because you do not know where enemies will appear in the level even though you are only backtracking through areas that were presumed to be clear of enemies. There are well implemented Secret Areas to explore in the level, but I feel the resources in the Secret Areas should actually be part of the main pathway instead of being placed in optional areas. MAP01 was made to a believable scale with a presentation which resembles the Ultimate DOOM theme.


Side Note: You need to add the OTEX Texture pack, and the music track included in the WAD in the credits as a text file with the WAD or in this forum post for traceability reasons.

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I liked all the little traps and how if you expect them, can basically demolish them with the rocket launcher.




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Hey! I played your map on stream, and I wanted to give you more feedback than I originally gave! It's a cool level, and the ambushes are nice and caught me off guard a bit. Although, I think there could be a little bit more health (just a few more stimpacks placed around the map would help tons, and maybe place a bit of ammo or health in your secrets to increase the value of your secrets, but you can do what you like.) That's all. I hope to see more from you.

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4 minutes ago, GreenSlayer said:

Hey! I played your map on stream, and I wanted to give you more feedback than I originally gave! It's a cool level, and the ambushes are nice and caught me off guard a bit. Although, I think there could be a little bit more health (just a few more stimpacks placed around the map would help tons, and maybe place a bit of ammo or health in your secrets to increase the value of your secrets, but you can do what you like.) That's all. I hope to see more from you.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll probably start making a new map in the coming months, and I'll make sure to apply this feedback to it!

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