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Ok, after skimming over Quasar's post in Source Ports about 32-bit Doom, (I'll read it in-depth later bro) I've had a revelation: Id needs to come out with "Doom 2000"; like what was done with Dune 2000, just a updating of Dune 2 with new graphics and such. Some might say Doom 3 already did that, but that's NOT original Doom, and I'm sure the other dinosaurs here will agree with me. What about jDoom/Doomsday with the models? Meh, kinda. Personally I love it for single player, but still, more could be done.

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Why would id do that when they could pay like, 2 guys from Raven $50 a day to do it for them? Second off, they'd have to seriously re-work the architecture of the original Doom to include the 3rd dimension.

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While it would be cool, I'd have to agree with BBG on this one. Id would have to revamp a lot of the levels in order to really take advantage and incorporate the thrid dimension into their levels. Besides, what's the point when you've got some really awesome source ports such as ZDoom, JDoom, and various others?

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I'd higly prefer a DOOM 3 (a game that continue the DOOM plot) using a little updated DOOM engine. Some new monsters, weapons, power ups, maps (probably hub based like Quake 2). I'd pay for that.

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I would like the same engine. The same thing, except maybe a new weapon like the double Chainsaw or double Plasma. But, I would only buy it if they brought back romero, adrian carmack, and all the old guys, although thare is no way on earth that could ever happen. Someone could make an attempt, though.

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DooMer87 said:

the double Chainsaw

Doom 64 had one.

DooMer87 also said:

double Plasma.

A screenplay style writing of what would happen

* Doomguy equips two plasma rifles and aims at a mixed group of demons *
Doomguy: Eat this
* Doomguy sprays plasma everywhere but on target since it is quite obvious that the recoil of two plasma rifles is overpowering *
* Doomguy falls on his arse *

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