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About Vegeta

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    I don't "POST WAREZ, POST WAREZ!" anymore

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  1. Damn, it's so well done! Everything is very clean and polished. And the Motherdemon is incredible! Great work guys!
  2. I haven't been this excited for a DOOM mod in a long time! I hope it works on Zandronum
    No lo vi todavĂ­a, pero 5 estrellas por los nombres de los mapas.
    Not bad, but not worth to be played. Stctfmp, Legendary, or Extreme CTf are much better
  3. In coop you can assume that health and ammo items will respawn. So extra monsters, or even a Cyberdemon can be of good taste if used properly.
  4. Vegeta


    Excelent wad, 5 stars
  5. Vegeta

    Community Is Falling 3

    Best decorate ever, and one of the phew pwad megawads I ever finished
  6. Vegeta

    DETH v3.92

    A classic, I prefer it over DB anyday.
  7. I'm trying to make a map on Heth to remember old times. I can run the initial intro (the one that asks you what you want to do). But once I try to edit or create a map the screens go black. If I press esc I return to the intro. I checked with "w" to see if Hexen.wad is loaded and it says that it is. Any idea of what might be happening? Some years ago it worked with no problems. BTW I can run Deth just great.
  8. While it looks and plays good, it doesn't really play like Evilution. Evilution had crazy and non linear game play, this is the opposite. Still not a bad wad. Something similar happens with the music, it isn't bad, but it doesn't sound like the one from Evilution.
  9. Morons like you make people from the rest of the world wish that the military assholes at North Corea nuke the hell out of the U.S. I know that fortunately not everyone in the States are like you (yet I'm with Quasar, the U.S. should stop trying to rule the planet as an 80's cartoon villian). Even though I know that war it's as natural as making love, I'm against war. I'd give a more sophisticated response, but it's not worth to argue with you. Reply me whatever shit you want, I'll not read it.
  10. You still didn't make it to the moon and you pretend to make it to a planet located 4 light years from Earth?
  11. Vegeta

    Ask Your Doctor About Zandronum

    I think this just messes it even worse. People at skulltag were complaining that the competitive scene is dying (each week many clans die and new meaningless ones emerge), and now they do the same with the port. This evasive move will make things look fine at start but then it will go downhill unless they change the strategy.