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UPDATE: Messing around with Fraps and WMM...

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...And came up with a short, very short video of Knee-Deep in ZDoom's Z1M3 with some music. Check it out:


I know the birghtness is a little high, but that is only because it is dark in the game (because of my monitor), and I have to turn the brightness up very high to actually see something (and I'm not talking about it was made..)

Edit: I did a new video adding (or removing) all the things that were mentioned here. It's a bit longer, has more action, and I recored a demo (.lmp), then fraps it as Kritian Ronge suggested. I think it came out great.

What it is, is Z1M10 action highlights. I did Z1M10 from pistol start until I died (last boss area), and it took me 45 mins, so I cut the movie down to four and added some music. I hope it's suitable.


Oh and I am aware of the brightness being very high (or maybe it's Gamma), but I don't know how to fix it. It certainly wasn't high in Windows Movie Maker (looked normal in the preview window), but the second I exported it, it shot way up and is now too high. If someone can tell me how that would be much appreciated.

If you were to follow my page, be warned that I'm not going to be doing anymore doom movies for a while. So don't expect anymore anytime soon.

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It was just a test. I will be making a nice comp video soon that will showcase a lot of levels, and of course action.

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If your computer was built this milennium then there is no reason it should be lagging when you Fraps Doom. You are capturing on half resolution right?

Also in the future please change the default font / colors for the title screen or else I will murder you

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Eh.. I was using full resolution, I am a noob at Fraps. Recorded it at 30 FPS, and full-size. I will correct these in future vids.

I was thinking about doing video WAD reviews in the future as well, as sort of a change of pace for normal reviews.

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Also turn off the option called "lock FPS" or something

And I think Youtube shows videos at 25 FPS so you might as well record at that.

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Not bad I think you should switch sound effects of when you are playing doom, now you get an mixed bag of sounds and music playing at the same time.

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I believe it would be wiser to first record a demo of you playing through the map, and then use Fraps when playing the demo back. This would also allow you to freely experiment with the settings on the exact same run to notice what the effects are.

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Kristian Ronge said:

I believe it would be wiser to first record a demo of you playing through the map, and then use Fraps when playing the demo back. This would also allow you to freely experiment with the settings on the exact same run to notice what the effects are.

Good idea. I'll try that.

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