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Walter confetti

WooD [now on /idgames]

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I tried rebuilding the nodes for the sake of some REJECT in it but it's just a marker lump. Is it because of the super-wide regions?

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The REJECT lump itself and REJECT lump building should be completely unrelated to the size of sectors. It's more likely that you've just used a node builder configuration that doesn't build REJECT at all.

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So, yesterday I played my map after a quick node rebuild with zdbsp (I feel better with that nodebuilder) and on boom 2.02 on dosbox and... It crashed hardly at the start. Great.

So, if you want to play this map, I suggest you to play it with prboom and prboom-plus and above ports.

Anyway, did someone played this map?

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walter confalonieri said:

node rebuild with zdbsp (I feel better with that nodebuilder) and on boom 2.02 on dosbox and... It crashed hardly at the start.

If you use ZDBSP on maps that you want to be compatible with non-advanced ports, you need to use the "Normal (zero reject)" node builder configuration.

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walter confalonieri said:

So, yesterday I played my map after a quick node rebuild with zdbsp (I feel better with that nodebuilder) and on boom 2.02 on dosbox and... It crashed hardly at the start. Great.

So, if you want to play this map, I suggest you to play it with prboom and prboom-plus and above ports.

Anyway, did someone played this map?

Here is a max run in 2:13

Nice simple aesthetic. Some sections of the sky floor are damaging. Seems accidental, but not sure. Since the two pop up imps are revealed slowly, it's noticeable that the sides of the pit are untextured, which looks strange.

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Thanks for the demo.

The damaging sky parts are intended to be in that way, so you need to pay attention to the level parts with a different structure in it...

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Are the popup imps using a slower raise floor? If you want instant, try using linedef action 19.

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