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About Reisal

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    OBSIDIAN Developer & Contributor

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  1. Reisal

    What can you get banned for?

    You really have to be an asshole enough to get under mods' and admins' skins to get banned quickly. I just have two warnings: One with one point in late 2017 for preserving troll spam drama and a zero point warning for Rudeness in late 2018. I have learned more and have since bowed out of all that crap I used to watch in read those years back. It's just not worth stressing over nowadays. Best advice? Think if the post content would be appropriate by thinking "Will this get the mods' attention in a bad way?" Speaking of Post Hell, I kinda miss having a direct link to it but I have that "doom body allegory" nonsense thread that no sense bookmarked if I want a laugh at that.
  2. Let's see.. Reduction of hitbox as mentioned multiple times in this thread. Lower pain chance (maybe 30/256)? Increased health (4000)? Decreased reaction time. More accurate burst fire from longer distance and moving more between them. Lower super chaingun windup attack. Unguided micromissiles in a randomized pattern towards attacker that is weaker than Imp fireball. Going full auto if you get close up and personal but having a big enough range so you cannot cheese it like you can with melee attacks (64 units). Psychic melee knockback attack. Far enough to keep two Masterminds from having a whacking contest but not too far that it knocks them off platforms (IE MAP20) Or is that too OP?
  3. Reisal


    Mr. Chaingunner is missing his red armor. Could be made a variant as a submodel or something, bare chested, armor and damaged armor? Maybe it's just a nitpick of mine, who knows? Oh and a word of advice: Don't be rude to those who provide critique or criticism that isn't productive (IE "this sucks", etc.) because that will just reinforce that you don't really care for your reputation on Doomworld (in the example of responding to Koko Ricky with an "ok boomer" reply). Brutal Doom has a reputation due to the original designer's controversies, so not everyone here will fawn over content made for it and its forks. Showing respect (and modest replies) to those in the face of critics and critique is king here, the same applies to the ZDoom forums.
  4. Reisal

    I become adult next year

    Oh when I remember when I turned 21, but since I'm double that now, doesn't quite matter to me now. Happy birthday, by the way.
  5. Not sure if RazzoR linked to the source or if I asked this before but have you checked out the original Maps of Chaos difficulty trilogy?

  6. Reisal

    Doom - Fixed

    So he took my modifications, added even more architecture and turned them into Sunder-like difficulty levels by the looks while inspecting the maps with UDB..Bleh. Arch-viles, Arachnotrons and Cyberdemons on MAP01? Come on..Not even I am that mean when I was editing the "Overkill" versions of the maps.. Way too many custom textures and takes away from the original aesthetic and theme the IWAD maps have..
  7. I remember Doom2.net and NewDoom the most out of that list. The former was a relic and was a great site, even with its very basic layout.
  8. Reisal

    Doom - Fixed

    I think it's a gray area? Also it's on ModDB and not /idgames/.
  9. Reisal

    Doom - Fixed

    Hrmmm, nobody in the past has given me flak for my Maps of Chaos edits, which all three versions (normal, hard and hardest) do have significant architecture edits (and additions) to a good number of maps on both Doom and Doom 2, that and fixing up existing errors in the IWAD maps.
  10. Reisal

    Most Hated Design Tropes in Wads?

    Hummm... Lots of hitscanners with little or no cover to hide from. Overuse of non-linearity. I get it that it's nice to have multiple paths but too much non-linearity can lead to getting lost or going in circles. Ammo/health starvation and overreliance on monster infighting. Excessive use of Arch-viles throughout the map. Forgetting to remove secret tag on room stairs due to setting it before making the steps. Cramped Cyberdemon fights. Liberal use of Chaingunner and/or Revenant snipers from 500+ units away. Excessive platforming, be it ZDoom or non-ZDoom style. Corridors too thin to dodge enemy projectiles. Maps with far too many mid and upper tier enemies in groups without adequate weaponry. Mega-slaughterwads. I do love myself slaughtermaps but there is a point when it becomes a slog to kill 20+ Hell Knights multiple times, such as Holy Hell.
  11. Yeah, Clear Focus was meant to be simple and straightforward. There's a harder version of it but still below say, E2M6 in difficulty.
  12. Reisal

    Doom's design "language" trends

    I've always had a knack for traps in my own maps (list in my "About Me") in a variety of methods. Teleports are common in my later maps but I also particularly enjoyed the red key trap in "The Unnamed Base" which had a combination of doors fast closing and other surprises.
  13. Reisal

    Favorite Album Cover?

    This one has grown on me, from Italian death metal band Organic. It's their 2021 album cover.
  14. It's great to hear things like this, especially from a kid's perspective. Sooner or later, she'll probably want to pick up the game and play it again because of her prior experience and move up on the skill level over time.
  15. Reisal

    How would You fix Rage (2011)?

    By not using MegaTextures, for one.