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About Budoka

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  1. Budoka

    What are you playing now?

    For H2H X-Mas, map 12 "The Court Yard" goes pretty crazy. It's not clever, far from it, but dang is it brutal. At any rate, in my no doubt controversial opinion, the Cacowards and the "top 100" are a lot more fun to go through backwards than they are chronologically.
  2. Budoka

    What is the worst season?

    I know an island where you can see that happen.
  3. Budoka

    World War III?

    Like I'd sacrifice my own life and the emotional well-being of my family and friends for the benefit of corrupt bureaucrats. War is a Racket as we know (which is an actual book by the way). Also, of all the factions potentially involved, there isn't a single one about which I have more good things to say than bad things. But seriously, even putting all that aside, kicking off WW3 would be by far the stupidest decision we've ever made as a species, a fact of which many more people are aware than ever before.
  4. Budoka

    World War III?

    To both questions: no, and no.
  5. The soundtracks are one thing, but I feel like that's only the surface level approach tackling the question posed by the thread title. In spirit, however? Either power metal or death metal, depending on whether you focus more on the narrative experience or the aesthetic. Unless we're talking stuff like Sunder, which is black metal to the bone.
  6. Budoka

    Most Hated Design Tropes in Wads?

    There's also Resurgence if you want more from where that came... I think it's even better than Speed of Doom.
  7. Budoka

    Most Hated Design Tropes in Wads?

    Play through Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid and/or Experiencing Nirvana to get a mere glimpse at how late you are to that party... or, to go even lower, anything by Doomguy2000. Takeaway is, there's just no point.
  8. Budoka

    What are you playing now?

    MAP22!? MAP21 isn't even available yet... Been trying out Corruption, good stuff so far.
  9. Two generalities are feel are relevant to mention here after reading the thread so far: 1. There are no actually effective and reliable "get successful quickly" schemes, they are all just BS. 2. Other people have concerns of their own to deal with before they can start investing their energy into whatever yours are.
  10. Budoka

    how to stop decalcification as a femcel?

    Others have pointed this out already, but I'll add myself to the pile. Fluoride is actually good for you, and perfectly safe in the amounts found in commercially available toothpaste. And most importantly, yes, go see a dentist ASAP. That is, ultimately, the only reliable recourse you will find.
  11. Uh... absolutely no way lol. The most likely candidate for that claim which I'm aware of, is AltimaMantoid.
  12. I agree that they don't generally feel authentic to the era, but I'm sure as hell not complaining. To each their own but the way I see it at least, the less derivative a work is the better.
  13. I really don't think it matters. Although I'll agree a mention for Zero Master makes sense, considering what he's accomplished.
  14. OK... that was legitimately pretty amazing. @RICHIE B Can't Imagine they'll delete any of that. I don't agree with much of what you said, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong there.
  15. Budoka

    How do you all play wads?

    Same as @whybmonotacrab and @ReaperAA. I attempt to go for all kills and all secrets, but if I get stumped it's not a deal breaker, I'll just move on. Regarding not just Doom but video games in general, I really feel like looking outside info on a blind playthrough taints the experience. I'm loath enough do so on a completionist re-run to begin with...