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About SiFi270

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  1. you guys, don't underestimate yui hirasawa (she's the one on the right) she uh she's one of those savant types when she was really young she drew an apple and then she thought the apple looked really tasty so she tried to eat the apple even though it was just a drawing of an apple so her friend had to stop her from eating the apple and she didn't get to eat the apple then she became a talented musician and no one could stop her from eating her musical apples
  2. SiFi270

    everyone is mean to Doomsday engine.

    I don't know what problems people are having with Absolution but hopefully these silly things I learned during my own struggles will help: (it was all a while ago though so I hope I'm remembering this stuff correctly) -It has to be in C:\Absolution, or whatever drive you're using instead of C. Point is, no subfolders. -You have to copy the Doom 2 IWAD and put it in the .\bin\data folder. -I'm pretty sure you can't get proper widescreen.
  3. Hello again. Today I was lucky enough to find a copy of the Jaguar version of Doom. Unfortunately, that's one of the few systems the Sanni doesn't support. When I tried searching for something else that could do the job, none of the results seemed relevant and/or up to date. Maybe it's something beyond my price/experience range. That's kind of the impression I currently have. @Quasar Do you have any advice?
  4. SiFi270

    Favorite Doom Pyramids?

    Now I'm not sure when this was added or removed, but at one point E2M1 in FreeDoom Phase 1 had a structure with some harmless little slopes that were only visible in ZDoom family ports.
  5. +++Operation Biowar, Equinox
  6. I once tried to go through UD with minimum secrets but maximum kills and items. I gave up after E1M2 because I spent too much time just waiting in the red key area for the shotgunners outside to walk somewhere shootable. Of course, I've got no one to blame but myself for writing the rules the way I did and not actually thinking it through.
  7. SiFi270

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    John Carmack is the only person who knows how to make games even have the illusion of 3D. Whenever someone else wants to make a 3D game, they have to ask him nicely for a few strings of code.
  8. SiFi270

    "Un-jailbreaking" a NES Mini?

    I've manged to find my answers elsewhere. This thread can be safely closed and ignored.
  9. Thank you both very much. I've arranged to get an email notification if/when the JoeyN64's available again, and if I ever start to have doubts about it, I'll think more seriously about getting a pre-built Sanni.
  10. I'm willing to spend tens of British dollars, I have no experience with soldering, and I think a preference would require me to have experience with any other aspect of this, which I don't.
  11. I got a NES mini pre-owned but it's full of custom additions like ROMs for other systems and dumb meme pictures. I do not want these, and they were still intact after I selected "factory reset" from the options menu. Connecting it to my computer via USB doesn't let me look through the files or anything. Is there anything I can do without disassembly or additional hardware?
  12. I've managed to get my hands on a copy of Goldeneye and I'd like to experience it with keyboard and mouse controls. I've also got a Doom 64 cartridge and I think it'd be nice to use that to play EX, even though I've got the official remaster too.
  13. In Chocolate (and Crispy) Heretic, you just load patches like that by adding "-deh ichor.hhe -hhever 1.2" to the command line. You can also get an executable for Heretic 1.2 here, which may not be the most legal-est thing but I'm pretty sure without an IWAD included it's very much in the "no one will/should make a fuss" kind of wiggle room.
  14. SiFi270

    Profile pages are frozen in December 1723

    @Grungo This HAS to be your fault. You're the only one here capable of doing any kind of damage to the spacetime continuum.
  15. The only thing I remember from her physical description is short hair, so yeah, it checks out as far as I'm concerned.