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About datacore

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    Green Marine

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  1. Hi, how to have exactly the same controls and the same grip, from Doom Builder 1.68 to Ultimate Doom Builder please?
  2. datacore


    The Modified wad does't work with prboom and glboom. Musics and skies are nice but i don't want that for ET it's an olschool Pwad. Thank you for your interest in my Wad, but you're wasting your time. Stop work on ET please. Make your own wad and learn DoomBuilder it is the best way to modding Doom. Thanks and good luck.
  3. datacore


    Why you don't use a mod ? Or make your own wad ? If all the players start modifying the Pwads without asking anything before, the mapping on doom will become a big mess... (Sorry for my bad english)
  4. datacore


    Do not modify the wad, thank you...You did not even ask for permission before.
  5. datacore

    [Boom] Btlgs1

    Ok, thanks guy :).
  6. datacore

    [Boom] Btlgs1

    What the fuck ??
  7. datacore

    [Boom] Btlgs1

    I must wait some days because TN.wad is not on idgames for moment. And i use the ressource of an old NT.wad version for this Wad.
  8. datacore

    [Boom] Btlgs1

    Done :).
  9. datacore

    [Boom] Btlgs1

    Two maps with an old version of textures, sprites and sounds of TN.wad (Tangerine Nightmare). https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/13/13/33/51/coop-210.png https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/13/13/33/51/coop-212.png https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/13/13/33/51/coop-213.png https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/13/13/33/51/coop-211.png
  10. datacore

    [Doom] Endless Torture

    https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/megawads/et ...I think it is good now.
  11. datacore

    [Doom] Endless Torture

    OK fixed, thanks...I don't remember these sectors were taged for a secrets.
  12. datacore

    [Doom] Endless Torture

    Where please ?
  13. datacore

    [Doom] Endless Torture

    Thx i am fixing that ! et_f4.wad: https://www.mediafire.com/?j7uk4sc0xaiesg5