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About indio

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  1. indio

    Games with interesting betas

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. The alpha looked really good (and it still does), to the point that people started calling it out as "fake". Imo it looked in some ways creepier than DOOM 3. Also instant plus for that Trent Reznor soundpack.
  2. Post games that in your opinion have really interesting betas. Half Life 2 had really interesting beta versions that were very different from the retail. I absolutely love everything about it. It just looks so different from what we got in 2004, and I would love to see someone actually making at the very least a wad that captures the feel of beta HL2. Duke Nukem Forever has some really interesting beta stuff. https://duke4ever.altervista.org/ Probably SM64, but so many people have already covered it and by now it's not too interesting anymore. I'm sure I've missed out on alot of really amazing game betas, but that's what this thread is for, right?
  3. DOOM 3's artstyle is really good and the whole atmosphere is really beautiful, and I actually like the gameplay (except for the shotguns RNG damage which is fucked) DOOM 2016's monsters look better in some aspects compared to DOOM Eternal. Sandy Petersen has pretty nice maps, just not good looking. He did say he was a designer, not an artist. DOOM Eternal is really fun yet the campaign is, sadly, pretty short. Mick Gordon is pretty overrated. HONTE is too dark and relies too much on its dynamic lighting. The darkness in some maps don't even make sense, greatest example is MAP01.
  4. indio

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    ...cheese? I don't know to be honest. It is a dj though.
  5. I just divide the DOOM community into two: reddit, and The DOOM fans.
  6. Games that from what I've heard have great modding communities, though most of these are common knowledge by now. Quake Half-Life (1 and 2) Bethesda games jesus christ Mount and Blade - Warband Warcraft 3 Garry's Mod
  7. Like the title says (though I don't think there are anything as big as DOOM's modding community), what games have modding communities that are just a treasure trove? Doesn't matter if the game's modding community is dead, as long as it has lots of mods in it.
  8. indio

    Mouselook or autoaim?

    Didn't expect this many people tbh, still thanks for all of the replies, I guess I'll just go autoaim when i'm playing vanilla, and mouselook when playing mods that benefit from it.
  9. indio

    Mouselook or autoaim?

    I've recently started playing DOOM again after getting burnt out on some Dota 2. I've been playing DOOM with mouselook on when I played it back in 2017 until now, where I finished The Ultimate DOOM and DOOM 2 with autoaim on and mouselook off. Then I got the compulsion to play Plutonia with mouselook on, so I've been playing it with the option enabled. I was just wondering on whether or not I should keep playing with autoaim on mouselook off, or vice versa. Also, which do you guys prefer?
  10. Oh, ok. I haven't read the whole thread yet, sorry. Thank god.
  11. kekw, I hope this doesnt mean exclusivity to Xbox, since I'm a Playstation type of guy due to my PC being pretty low spec.