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About TheDoomDude

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  1. TheDoomDude

    What would you think could have a good crossover with Doom?

    I love alot of these ideas, but how about Master Chief and the Doomguy, the two Greenest space marines in gaming.
  2. It can be anything, personally, I would love a wolfenstein and doom crossover. As it would great to see father and son fighting along side each other against nazi demons.
  3. TheDoomDude

    The Doom timeline.

    Most of these are great, but it is confirmed that Doomguy(From doom (1993) at least) is bj blazkowicz the third, so I would say the timeline mosty looks like this: Wolfenstein Games Commander Keen Games Doom Games: After fighting in Hell for several years, Doomguy fights off the invasion of Argent D'nur along side the Knight Sentinels with the betrayer watching, but being one man Doomguy can't be everywhere at once and Argent D'nur falls and becomes part of hell. After seeing Doomguy's raw anger and hatered for the Demons, the betrayer grants Doomguy his new suit and new power, forever making him immune to age and making him the strongest and fastest human alive. After eons of doing population control, the doomslayer falls into a demon trap, and the Tower of Babel is dropped on top of him and the Doomslayer is put into a deep slumber until the events of Doom 2016 kick off.
  4. TheDoomDude

    The Doom timeline.

    As far as I know this image is actually cannon as it depicts what appears to not only be Doomguy(More likely dubbed Doomslayer by this point) fending off Demons along side the knight sentinels who are trying to protect agent d'nur (This would explain why they show up later to "help" Doomslayer during the final level of Doom 2016 also known as argent d'nur) but also the hooded figure watching might be the betrayer, or perhaps I'm reading too much into this image and the reason the knights show up at the end is because you were destroying the wraiths. Who knows.
  5. TheDoomDude

    The Doom timeline.

    Also, is there a way to play Doom 64 without owning a 64? I've looked for it on steam but couldn't find it.
  6. TheDoomDude

    The Doom timeline.

    This makes the most sense to me, as I do believe the 2d games and the 2016 reboot are connected with doomguy and doomslayer being the same person simply due to this image seen in Sam's office: As for Doom 3, I never considered it to fit into the timeline simply because of the art style of the demons and how different in design they appeared to be as well as how under-powered doomguy is, but at the same time there will be plotholes with this timeline. Like how did the hellknight go from a baron repaint to the doom 3 hellknight, why does the cacodemon have arms and no pupils, why does the mancubas now have one eye, how did the revenant go from being a demon brought back to life to being a UAC soldier turned demon. The list goes on, but I'll end it here.
  7. TheDoomDude

    The Doom timeline.

    So what is cannon in the doom timeline and in what order are they in? From what I've gathered it goes The Ultimate Doom, Doom ll, Doom(2016), Doom Eternal, and I'm not sure where the other games fit in.
  8. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    I'm sure we will, now if anyone else has any suggestions I would love to hear em, it can be anything from demons to put in, new weapon ideas, thing I could do for equipment, etc.
  9. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    I used most of the grenades and equipment items, thanks for the ideas.
  10. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    Thanks! Thank you very much.
  11. Does it really matter at this point tho, like do you actually wish they had tooken down D!Zone? If anything, these expansion packs may have actually boosted the popularly of the games. Plus too you have to go though a ton of trouble to sue someone, if we're being honest here
  12. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    Thanks, I'm sure I'll find something useful.
  13. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    Ah, a person of culture as well I see. Well feel free to use anything from mine if you'd like.
  14. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    If anyone else is open to suggests I'm open to hearing them. I've also added alot more to the doc then just monsters and weapons.
  15. TheDoomDude

    Doom themed DND

    Thanks for pointing this out, as you can see I've changed it to 6 d20s instead.