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About Sephiroth

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  1. when i worked at a 1 hour photo lab there where many rules as to pictures and such.
    basics where

    sexual pictures can not be printed if they involve animals and people, more than 4 people, or children. beastalia is illegal in many of the towns here. however anything else went

    photos depicting crimes or violence may be subject to investigation.

    needless to say i never saw anything like that. though yes many many nude women.

    however at best buy we now also have similar rules. and with more regulairty are we catching people with illegal material. i know of 3 times people have been caught with childporn.

    rules we have there about file types and such. though we are not looking for this stuff, if we find it we must act.
    all viruses are to be removed or drive will be formatted and BIOS cleared
    pornography with people/animals, children or REAL violence may be subjected to investigation. furry porn is deleted, heh.
    MP3's for P2P programs will be deleted, offten times as this is a source of a virus.

    anyways it is just comical that people, say with child porn, would take a computer into best buy to have it repaired. though we dont look for these things they are found when we test files for viruses and spyware. i dont know if the Mp3 things is official or not, but the techs do it (usally because it is a source of viruses)

    i do know of one incident where a man had stashed drugs and money inside his computer. he later took it to best buy and had forgoten to remove the stuff, he walked out in hand cuffs. another time a half full clipp of 9mm ammo was found jammed into a VCR. I know at another store there was a unloaded pistol in a laptop bag, the woman had forgotten to take it out

    1. fraggle


      You cant get viruses from mp3 files.

    2. Darkstalker


      Not even if you change a .exe to a .mp3 ?

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