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About ButteredToast

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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306 profile views
  1. The Japanese: I'Ll tAKe YoUr ENtIrE stOcK!
  2. Initial D songs, the beat drop is too hard for doom 1&2 and whatnot, with doom 2016 or doom eternal's dynamic music it could work.
  3. Artist's impression of "German wunderwaffe", as described by Hans Wheraboo.
  4. mini BFG 10k probably will work as a naval weapon, it's certainly easier to aim than conventional cannons. BFG 9000 would just be far too slow. The normal BFG 10k could serve as the space age Gustav cannon, wiping out entire colonies from across the solar system or even destroying colonies in other solar systems.
  5. ButteredToast

    Why is it that....

    They were going to hold a surprise birthday party for their friend Joe, but they didn't realize that Doomguy got there first.
  6. ButteredToast

    Weird dream I had based on the Icon of Sin

    It's the pacifist TAS, I believe. Also, the co-op TAS was cool asf when the players wallrun against each other.
  7. ButteredToast

    What's your favorite name for the icon of sin

    Picture of Goat
  8. ButteredToast

    The "Ask a Simple DOOM Question" Thread

    first one was because of grammarly, second one was probably some network issue.
  9. ButteredToast

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    Hey cell, remember v e r b o s e d o o m?
  10. ButteredToast

    What doom 2 monster weapon is your favourite?

    Heavy weapons guy because...
  11. ButteredToast

    Doom Accomplishments Thread!

    I """""Speedran""""" Hangar on nightmare, the best time I got was (IIRC) 13 seconds.
  12. ButteredToast

    The "Ask a Simple DOOM Question" Thread

    Jesus The posting system is weird, I clicked save and it told me to wait 30 seconds but it still posted it.
  13. ButteredToast

    The "Ask a Simple DOOM Question" Thread

    I swear, If I ever get a custom title, I'll just keep it as "warming up".
  14. ButteredToast

    The "Ask a Simple DOOM Question" Thread

    Don't mind this post, the text editor likes to go bonkers when doing quotes for some reason.
  15. ButteredToast

    Exploration - Which way?

    1. walk through the largest door 2. kill everything 3. realize you have just killed everything 4. hump the wall for ten minutes straight looking for secrets 5. find out that you discovered all secrets already because they were all on the main path for some reason.