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About smeghammer

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    Metal member

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  1. Yeah, they were great! Shame they never became bigger. They were kind of like Jethro Tull on steroids. They also used an electric violin iirc.
  2. Back from when I were a wee lad. Saw them many times in the local pub. I had a cassette of theirs, that is long gone. And after about 25 years I eventually got it on CD!
  3. smeghammer

    Multiple simultaneous check functions?

    It is because you have two return statements. The second will never be reached regardless of the actual value of the first proximity check. You need to set the results of both prox checks to a single variable, and return that variable.
  4. why not try a monster closet releasing or spawning in as you enter the area? You could also have a instantly lowering floor that keeps them in the hole, that triggers just before you enter the room?
  5. smeghammer

    Looking for non-Doom resources

    Some of the resources at R667 might fit the bill? https://www.realm667.com/repository/
  6. smeghammer

    The Force Engine Version 1.0 Release

    Ooooh.... been following this for a while. I just dug out my original DF cd...
  7. smeghammer

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    I think this happened before. I have taken to creating a sector like this without connecting to neighboring sectors, then moving the relevant vertex to where you want it to connect. That way, I don't get unexpected void or indeed unexpected filling of wanted void with sector.
  8. smeghammer

    can i make a "GR floor up" line def?

    Eureka supports Doom in Hexen format too (but not UDMF) - which offers the same line actions as UDMF AFAIK, but is more restrictive (no multiple tags etc.). Main reasons to use (for me) is ACS support and 3D floors. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Map_format
  9. smeghammer

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    Bit late... - finally got round to compiling 2.0.2: Should also mention that the installation step after compilation updated the existing 2.0.0 installation nicely. My desktop shortcut still works, and the project I was working on was there too. Also, I like the fact that, once a suitable expanded PK3 folder structure is added as a resource, I can run the map directly from Eureka with all custom resources! And the copyright date is updated :-)
  10. I've not looked at it (a project for later methinks!), but try this: https://github.com/davidxn/doomanalyzer/tree/main/omg
  11. smeghammer

    Share Power Metal songs

    Aha! My kind of thread!! Anything from this album really... Yes, its Black Sabbath, but most certainly power metal! Sort of power/speed metal - insane! And the subtlety that is Manowar! Love Alestorm!! Made a genre all of their own - Pirate Metal!!
  12. smeghammer

    Thanks to the creators of Obsidian!

    Wholeheartedly agree with you! @dasho and @andrewj made an excellent application. Yeah, "human made levels better bla bla" notwithstanding, the work on the programming behind Obsidian and it's precursors produce highly playable and fun experiences. And as you have probably found, there are almost infinite possibilities in adjusting the various settings to produce different styles of levels. Your point about using them to play Brutal Doom is well made. I have done that myself as well.
  13. Here is a continuous partial playthrough (maps 1-3) of the first three maps. I played with GZDoom on HMP, and the cool Voxel mod Disclaimer: [Sorry, no sound on this for some reason!] As others have said, it's definitely a first time/experimental set of short maps. It's very rough around the edges, but is quite fun (so far) to play. It definitely has the feel of playing around with ideas, rather than a potentially 'real' place. For me, the difficulty was about right with continuous play - I think it would be significantly more challenging if pistol start was enforced. The bad... Two big glaring issues: many (if not all) of the doortracks are not pegged, so go up and down with the doors The lift platforms had missing lower textures, so very often, a HOM was visible when a platform was lowered I also think that artificially asking the player to pistol start could be unwelcome or ignored (like I have). Suggest that balancing the maps to account for the collected weapons and/or adjusting the difficulty levels so that - e.g. - HMP has placements to balance for pistol starts, and UV has placements balanced for continuous play. This could then be detailed in the readme, so the player can choose the appropriate level. The good... Generally, I liked the ideas being developed here. It seems to be more puzzle based than pure run-n-gun. The first map was straight in with some platforming fun, with nukage to make you wary, followed by a caco trap map, and then a switch puzzle map. So far, so good. Summary I think that with some QoL fixes (HOMs, textures, doortraks etc.), these would be a perfectly good (if basic) set of maps.
  14. smeghammer

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    TADA!! Make sure you install all dependencies for compiling. You may need to sudo.
  15. smeghammer

    Eureka v2.0.2 released

    Understood. All my map dev is in exploded folders anyway.