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About The_MártonJános

  • Rank
    *Revenant roaming sounds*

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  1. The_MártonJános

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I am a sandals guy. Well, as much as I can.
  2. The_MártonJános

    how would you rate your mental health?

    Subpar confidence, but also a go-to attitude to get by. Most days my shortcomings aren't triggered, however the few instances they are, they leave a lasting bad mood.
  3. The_MártonJános

    Offering playtesting

    Did something happen? It's been 3 weeks... I understand life sometimes gets busy, I'd just want to see if this is getting anywhere at all. Again, sorry if I intruded too much.
  4. The_MártonJános

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Also, the sky in the right side of the scrolling image - with the peaceful bunny, where it starts from - is the same Episode 4 uses later.
  5. The_MártonJános

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I particularly find it hilarious how Romero thought of locking the alternate route to the yellow key with the blue card - behind the lowering portion of the wall in the toxic pit - however, you can access the final rooms without the yellow key anyways, through the curvaceous tunnel on the other side of the same toxic pit (still requiring the blue key, as far as I'm aware) only this time you're softlocking yourself beyond the yellow door triplets.
  6. The_MártonJános

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I mean, you can still leave that room via the door? It's only the first room you can't re-enter - and lose access to a secret as well - once you get past the MARBFAC2 (Archvile relief) door. Also, how the teleporter basically takes you to the wooden area where you get the yellow skullkey is another level of weird. E4 sure has its own highlights from start to finish.
  7. The_MártonJános

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Did you also find the hidden teleporter right besides the entrance to that area?
  8. Without anything to really elaborate on, 2022:ADO E3M5, Putrescent Dirge. Map's a beast in size and very rarely not well telegraphed, but also is bloody beautiful (no pun intended on this one, it's filled to the brim with Hellgrowth, gore and flesh visuals.)
  9. The_MártonJános

    Your own "Lost Media"

    The first two map attempts I've committed in Doom Builder back then in late June 2009. First one I didn't save at all, second one I wanted but I somehow overwrote the file. The latter I especially regret because it was an actually extensive attempt at an E1M6 style map which I could expand on once I got the basics of layout and placement 101 down. But oh well.
  10. The first half is depicting physical pain. The second part is giving you mental pain with all the puzzle thingamajig around.
  11. The_MártonJános

    Offering playtesting

    I don't think E1M2 is deadly enough to die to it even while blind running, so you could go the same route you did with E4M7 :)
  12. The_MártonJános

    Offering playtesting

    I watched your video and enjoyed it a lot (also gave feedback.) Expect me to compile the download I promised in the following 3-5 business days. :) [EDIT] requesting a new submission. E1M2 from the same file I uploaded, called "Neutron Reactor." This one was laid out in 2013 and finished in 2017, 4 years later (basically the last map I finished before I left the project to "rot.") Same settings as for "Forsaken Resort" (difficulty, compatibility, run type, etc.) Soundtrack is "Watz Next?" from the Rise of the Triad OST.
  13. The_MártonJános

    Offering playtesting

    @Astro X I also noticed you do commentary gameplay. I don't know if you plan on doing commentary on these playtests, but if you do, please make sure to listen to how my name (MártonJános) is pronounced on the Hungarian setting of Google Translate.
  14. The_MártonJános

    Offering playtesting

    I'd be pleased. [Upload deleted, separated .wad file is here] Map: E4M7 Title: Forsaken Resort Difficulty: UV Run: Practiced, preferably 100% Compatibility: should be Vanilla, although I never tested on that compatibility myself. If it complains about anything I may have overlooked, try PrBoom+, if that doesn't do the charm either, just use GZDoom with Vanilla settings. Notes: - I made this map over 12 years ago, and while other maps in the wad were tested and reviewed by other users, this one got, by large, overlooked. - At least two of the secrets are rather cryptic, so if you decide to do a 100% secrets run, I definitely recommend checking the map out in Doom Builder first. - The track playing in the map is the same as in valkiriforce's Eternally Yours MAP07 ("Attack Ship - Covert Assault" (Iceplug) [Perfect Dark]) - The (deprecated) zip's name had nothing to do with me asking you to play E4M7 specifically. :)
  15. The_MártonJános

    Things about Doom you just found out

    This weird tripled woodbeam in Plutonia MAP11: Hunted Linedefs 606 (actual border) and 749 (probably accidental split linedef) respectively (Please ignore the custom skybox, it's part of an experiment) Red circle marks the position of it in the map