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About Gregor

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    DoomWiki editor

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  1. Gregor

    maps that broke you, for better or for worse!

    Hell Revealed MAP11: Underground Base. The first big boi map I beat on UV pistolstarts, and while it isn't even close to the hardest map in HR, it was the one that gave me that feeling you're talking about. It broke me over and over again but I kept coming back for more. There is something about that crude beauty of the wooden towers in the central room and the simple flow of the fights that sucked me in despite all the frustration, and when I eventually did beat it (after over a month), it felt like I beat Doom itself. From there on the rest of the mapset was still tough as nails, but nothing pushed me nearly as much or left such a lasting impression on me as Underground Base. This was truly my awakening moment for Doom and, as a result, is one of my favorite maps of all time.
  2. Gregor


    It's just not your cup of tea, that's all. Nothing to be hung up about. You just want to be part of the group too much, that's the problem. Like, everybody is enjoying something, the hype train has left the station, and you're not on it. But you really want to be on it, because you want to be part of the group, belong. Well, you're not on this one. So what? If MyHouse just didn't do it for you, there's nothing wrong with you, there's something wrong with the game. Nobody said MyHouse is a perfect masterpiece ( there's probably a few people who did say that actually...), in the end it's still just a Doom mod, and requires a lot of Doom community context to fully appreciate and even then it's not guaranteed to hit you in the right way to really leave a mark. I played it about a week after it came out, before even this thread had begun to blow up. So I really just expected a short myhouse.wad and was as a result completely floored. I also knew next to nothing about creepypasta and liminal space stuff and that greatly increased the effect. Otherwise much of what amazed me on my first playthrough might have seemed cliché. So it hit me in all the right ways and left a tremendous impression on me, but had I played it a few months later like most people from outside the Doom community and with a few spoilers and some knowledge about liminal spaces, it probably would have been quite a bit less amazing to me as well. In any case, your problem is not that you didn't like MyHouse, but that you were left out in the cold while everybody else partied inside. There's nothing wrong with you, you just care a little too much about what other people like. As to Veddge, he obviously created this during a difficult time in his life to process the pain he felt, and turn it into something productive. I don't think he was too concerned with creating a massive online hype with this. That was just a happy accident.
  3. Every new Retro Ahoy video is a must-see!
  4. It's not about winning at this point. It's about collecting. Gotta catch em all!
  5. The SMY Silberwasser from MAP13 of Austrian Avian Association by @MundyC
  6. A bit of slaughter never hurt anyone... As long as I have my trusty SSG at my side, I'm ready for anything Mr John can conjure up.
  7. Definitely interested in playing a Doom II set by Romero and cautiously excited. I don't really play Doom 1, so SIGIL was always a hard sell for me. But this could be nice. Romero's Doom II maps are still some of my favorite 90s maps.
  8. Hi there! I noticed that the intermission screen has MAP03 named "Zero Point Reactor" while ZMAPINFO calls it "Point Zero Reactor" instead. Caused a bit of confusion for us over on the wiki. I assume it's a typo. So my question is, what is the correct name of the map?
  9. @plums Impressive! That's some proper detective work indeed. That midi archive is also very neat. I'm often in the need of finding the identity of some obscure midi for various wiki articles. Thanks for that! And khinsider is a well-known website for game soundtracks. https://downloads.khinsider.com
  10. Nice catch! How in the world did you find that one? You just happen to be a massive Earthsiege fan? Btw, you can find the soundtrack for Metaltech: Earthsiege on khinsider.com. It's track 15.
  11. Gregor

    DSDA-Doom "Default" Compatibility Level?

    Note that DSDA will only use whatever is specified here if you do not force a complevel through a parameter in a batch file or your launcher of choice, AND the PWAD in question does not contain a COMPLVL lump, which will otherwise overwrite the default compatibility set in the menu as well.
  12. Gregor

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    Would it be possible to have monsters change attacks based on skill level? So a codepointer that will check for the skill level and jump to a defined attack only if playing on skill 4 for example? So instead of having to increase the number of monsters in a map, one could just make the same numbers of monsters more dangerous.
  13. Gregor

    1x1 [MBF21] (Final Release)

    Check out the Doomwiki article on 1x1 for a complete soundtrack list. I added it a few days ago.
  14. Not quite. It's not actually the alert theme nor is it from MGS1. It's a straight MIDI conversion of the main menu theme from the VR Missions. Since that was a separate release, I never played it and never heard this particular theme. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I don't think I would have recognized it as being from Metal Gear.
  15. Does anyone here recognize this midi? I'm pretty sure it's well-known(-ish) but I can't put my finger on it. It's from Invasion UAC. D_DM2TTL.zip