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About liPillON

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  1. last time I tried the unity port, it supported 16:9 widescreen online.. a big no-no for my 16:10 display and for 2020-something in general is this still the case?
  2. it's in "map releases and development" and has been bumped up recently https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/133798-tetanus-now-an-official-add-on/
  3. liPillON

    DOOM Retro v5.5 (updated July 26, 2024)

    you can also browse the wiki revision history for that page https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/wiki/Console-Variables/_history locate the revision that was live when the 5.4 release dropped (may 2nd) https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/wiki/Console-Variables/6f4df201df90389eea77978d462706bc0c84129b and compare it with the most recent revision https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/wiki/Console-Variables/_compare/6f4df201df90389eea77978d462706bc0c84129b...a9c84e51e4819f7bb1406035b76b11037abbb914
  4. maybe like this? modifications Release & Development - gameplay - cosmetic & qol - custom resources
  5. liPillON

    Anyone heard of ultimate jazz doom?

    you might want to contact the dev about this there's a dedicated topic here:
  6. doh seeing how the file resurfaced, I was planning to rehost it on github and dedicating a proper repository for it turns out, I already did it last year but forgot to notify it here... link to the repo's release page: https://github.com/liPillON/gzhud_mimic/releases
  7. I think dynamo was looking for the latest release of the full MimicHud package, where all those hud flavours were bundled together and switchable on the fly but Gez is correct, the latest revisions for each flavour are now hosted in dedicated github repos
  8. oh that's unfortunate.. I don't have the latest pk3 around anymore, sorry :(
  9. I really like how the sections are organized now, though I do miss one thing: my dw bookmark points to "Classic Doom" section, in order to land directly on the content I'm interested in the most (and to not have the review panel displayed, as a bonus side-effect) and this historically meant being able to check out recent "Source Ports" posts at a glance - this is not possibile anymore, after the section has been moved to the other main forum area (special interests) this might very well be based on personal preference/habit, but imho Source Ports are a fundamental pillar of the classic doom community at large and the forum layout should reflect that (I'd go as far as put them between "Maps Release/Development" and "Gameplay Mods")
  10. liPillON

    This is Woof! 14.5.0 (Apr 30, 2024)

    hi team, I've noticed that current devbuilds for windows aren't statically linked (several lib*.dll files are generated instead of a single woof.dll) will this be the case for release builds too?
  11. liPillON

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    have you managed to get this working? I tried editing my wad (I use SLADE3) and it's working as it's supposed to.. Here are both edited wads: nughud-split-noarms.zip
  12. liPillON

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    I might implement such variants but I'd have to move around the coord and stats widget, thus potentially making other people unhappy. Then again trying to satisfy every user would be highly impractical, so I guess I'll draw the line here. As for optionally turn them on/off: that would require editing nugget's source code It is not possible through NUGHUD alone (this is not zdoom where CVars/InventoryItems are exposed to SBARINFO) Feel free to edit the wad to your likings, though To disable the arms widgets you'll just need to set the "x" coordinate to "-1" for each "nughud_arms" setting
  13. liPillON

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    same previews, this time using the "modern" arrangement
  14. liPillON

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    custom and widescreen STBAR lumps are supported (see previews in the spoiler below) I haven't tested them all of course, so there might be issues with those implementing complex designs
  15. liPillON

    Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)

    available for download here: https://github.com/liPillON/nughud_split added to the showcase discussion here: https://github.com/MrAlaux/Nugget-Doom/discussions/54 feedback is welcome disclaimer: - messages and secret/milestone notifications are hardcoded to be displayed in the top-left corner - it is recommended to use the overlay automap, since the normal screen uses the WOOFHUD-defined widget arrangement