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Everything posted by TuniDoom

    Just finished this wad, and I give it 2 stars for the following reasons: Pos: * Difficult. It presents a very decent challenge that I really enjoyed. * Beautiful. Industrial, Dark Tech, Grim environment. A bit a dark, but I loved it. Neg: * Sniper-based: 50% of its challenge stems from snipers (hit and non-hitscanners) and their placement in the map, sometimes at the opposite end of the map in a very dark corner. In 2 or 3 maps, it's ok, but when it's in every map it changes from challenging to annoying. * Although beautiful as mentioned before, it still feels repetitive. Not a lot of variety between the maps. And I don't mean variety in texture, but in setting/feel, etc.
  1. TuniDoom

    EPIC 2

    I simply can't put into words how good this wad is. Such a beautiful trip. Very challenging and very beautiful. Not a very common combination. I usually don't like anything with Pharaohs and hieroglyphs, but then the beauty ... the extremely well crafted beauty ... hit. Whoever did this, Sir, you created a MASTERPIECE.
  2. TuniDoom

    WADs with no secrets?

    Dear all and non-noobs, Are there any WADs / Maps without secrets? I mean I loathe spending game time roaming like an idiot looking for some misaligned texture or listening for an opnening door. I just want to frag demons, continuously. Thank you in advance, NB
  3. TuniDoom

    WADs with no secrets?

    Looks awesome. One of the most intense starts I've personally seen to date, cyberdemon, archvile, and the rest of the team. Love it (: Will definitely give it a try. Thanks a lot for sharing.
  4. TuniDoom

    WADs with no secrets?

    Wow .. thank you so much to everyone who answered. I definitely learned a couple of new things from this thread. Thank you so much. Yes, I agree I can just ignore them. But I noticed a couple of wads where the secrets do provide very good items, like a BFG or cell boxes or Berserk, etc, which might become helpful in some difficult levels, given that I'm not that much of a doom ninja right now and I do die a lot. There are also wads that become very "puzzly" at times. And it's basically the same issue. You stop fragging and start wandering aimlessly. But again I do agree that I should just ignore the secrets and just ignore the pain of the incomplete end screen. I will definitely check the no secret wads list. Thank you very much. And I did play the first two levels of Sunder. I still have nightmares from that wad. But I will finish it. Thank you so much all, you guys are awesome, I hope this thread helps other people who might have the same question as me.