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About Duker900

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  1. Woah, ancient profile. What a throwback.

  2. Duker900

    Doom shotgun ref pics

    I saw that, it looks really shady to me.
  3. Duker900

    Doom shotgun ref pics

    Are you incapable of reading? He asked for pictures of the original toy they used for the sprites of the doom shotgun. Not a link to google image search for "shotgun". Thats the exact one, and it even has its SKU how nice. I'll have to look for that in some of the local flea markets and such.
  4. Duker900

    Doom shotgun ref pics

    I had one of these when I was like 5, mabye I can find it if it didn't get thrown out. I did see them at one point in time at WAL*MART so if you look there you might just look out. It's a capgun shotgun made by tootsietoy, it shouldn't be THAT hard to find.

    1. Amaster


      Oh, I thought we were going to see some hot Derek Smart nudes.

    2. manjar


      needs more derek smartse

    3. Amaster


      And some Derek on Derek action.

  6. Duker900

    "Freedom Tower"

    http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Northeast/12/19/wtc.plan/index.html Ha, what a fucking joke, a 1,776 foot penis of freedom.
  7. Duker900

    damn steam...and fileplanet

    http://www.steampowered.com And whats with all the damn retards on here now.
  8. Duker900

    Russia plans Mars nuclear station

    Bond, James Bond will protect us from such.
  9. Duker900

    Imp Encounter

    READ THE MOTHERFUCKING ASSLICKING GODDAMN GREAT FAQ THAT OUR WONDERFUL ADMIN OF POST HELL, BBG WROTE flamecount ++; I cant belive that the forum I never go on, when I decide, "Heh lets see whats going on here" to find a fucking newbie that bumps the amazing impse thread, ugh.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KDarigal


      there's just one word to describe this thread, and anyone who follows that site would know what it is, too.


    3. Duker900


      And heres an update to the trogdor deal, most homestar fans will know this anyway

    4. deldelda


      Lizardcommando said:

      hahaha! Homestarrunner... And I thought I was the only one who knew about it... Best site evar! :p

      ditto to that, bro!


  10. Duker900

    Signing off

    heh, later ling
  11. Duker900

    Doom In Flash?

    Heh that was fun, I liked the music
  12. to answer about the 'timelimey' http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5702 and http://www.doomworld.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5717 that should explain it... and why it was banned.
  13. Heh, I'm just sick of the large amounts of retardation caused by most of the newbies, Of course, the excessivly stupid post I made really doesn't help.