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About lokbustam257

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    Everything Else subforum enjoyer

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  1. whaddya mean by hell? This is literally heaven my friend. Skibidi toilet is peak entertainment (not sarcasm btw). People keep saying that gen alpha had massive brain rot, but forgot that they used to watch content like these (remember MLG? DUDE OMG MOM GET THE CAMERA!!!11! MOKE WEED 420420420 GET REKT XDDDDD) also, I agree with others that this is pretty small compared to what's happening recently. Like a skibidi toilet movie? sure I'll watch that, rate it 9/10, and then move on.
  2. lokbustam257

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    thanks for playing the map, pretty nice suggestions here. Looking back at it, I agree the map's combat felt somewhat bland. I'll try to look and fix the bugs listed here. As for the NUKAGE not being damaging floor, that's just my part, I forgot to set them to be damaging, because I usually make NUKAGE consistently damage the player in most of my maps.
  3. to anybody other than myself seeing this, I made this just to archive some funny threads that have been posted on this very forum, so that I can access these a bit easier later. Such a shame I also can't archive post hell threads. Will lists more funny threads when I find more of them.


    Some (actually, could be considered most) threads here are found at these two thread discussing funny threads that been posted on Doomworld:

    Greatest posts on Doomworld - - ¡All Time Greatest! by Chip

    what are some funny doomworld incidents by Jeroa


    The Lists:

    https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1984170 (Bloodite Krypto's legendary response, it doesn't embedded for whatever reason. RottKing also posts 3 audio files voicing the response)



    1. DoomGuy999


      The "girl in post hell" one is the best

  4. lokbustam257

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    ND95_E1M8.zip E1M8 Finally released, took quite a while. I highly recommend that you play with software renderer, as the map exploit out of bounds area for effects that hardware renderer would just render as solid black (with the exception of the pentagram arena at the end). But it's still playable if you wanna play it that way. All the graphical glitch in the map and screenshots below are intentional. (so that I would not have excuse to fix it in the future) Other than that, the map's quite short. Title: Phobos Anomaly Author: lokbustam257 Map Slot: E1M8 Tested with: Chocorenderlimits 1.5, Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, Eternity Engine 4.03, LZDoom 3.88b (Hardware and Software mode) Difficulty setting: Yeah Screenshots: Please report any bugs or HOMs that is not out of bounds. Also gameplay feedback if you feel the map is a bit too hard or too easy.
  5. lokbustam257

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    Progress has been slow, but it is progress, and it is progressing.
  6. lokbustam257

    The TF2 Community needs YOU!

    Making the game open source would just escalate the botting problem 30 times worse than before, as now bot hosters know exactly how to make the most efficient and anti-cheat-proof bots. And handing the game to the community isn't exactly the most ideal, because we all know what happened with those Valve-endorsed community updates in the past. And Valve is damn sure they won't let any foreign hands touch their game after those. This petition won't gonna work, and an online petition, that's just kinda laughable. The best we can get realistically is Valve responding with another tweet and then watch the movement dying after 3 days (sounds similar?) If Valve ever gonna response to this whole movement by fixing the game, it'll likely just turn into a treadmill work for Valve as bot hosters keep making better bots and as with Valve with their fixes. To be honest, this Fix TF2 movement is going nowhere. How about SaveDayofDefeat instead? I mean c'mon, that game hasn't updated in like 35 years :(
  7. lokbustam257

    DOOM 6: Trailer 1 Analysis & Discussion

    It's decent, I guess. I'm not particularly sold on it. I genuinely thought the title was a bait by id for a quake game but looks like I'm wrong here.
  8. lokbustam257

    I started a new Doom Commentary Channel!

    Oh hey, thanks for playing the map! Quite fun to watch, appreciated the feedback you have there.
  9. lokbustam257

    Rate my Doom PC.

    who cares ps5 suck any way thats why i bought pc microsoft best games halo forza etc fuck ps5
  10. lokbustam257

    I started a new Doom Commentary Channel!

    I got this silly little concept of map being all liquid that got turn into reality after 3 afternoons. feel free to drop down the difficulty if you think some parts of the map feels a bit too hard.
  11. lokbustam257

    '95 Never Dies CP [Full!]

    Since E1M8 is currently empty (and the project's deadline being DNF), can I have E1M8?
  12. I love going into Doomworld with others to join making community projects.
  13. thanks for the gameplay vidya. appreciated it.
  14. lokbustam257

    Random Image Thread

  15. This WAD is a one of a kind experience, a WAD that every so-called Doomer (people who play Doom) must play to achieve the needs for their physiology, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization that one cannot truly easy find in such a WAD let alone a work of art or a masterpiece from the renaissance era. To prove my point, I will show you one of WAD's genius storytelling, despite being limited with only UMAPINFO, that unfortunately, seems to cut off when you play in 4:3, demonstrate here: And now let's talk about gamepaly, because thed wac this aspect is where the wad truly shines the most, as demonstrated here, where a pack of revenant revealing itself in a so-called "monster closet" as player running carelessly to it: Or in this vertical-based gameplay moments where the player must figh agiants unreasonably amount of stupidly tanky monsters in order to proceed (noticed the wad i mean the switch on the top-right but not really top-right but rather central-right-right-top-right): I must say thought, the most truly breathaking moments of the wad revelaed itself in map03 (or map04 idk they looks the same from slade 3 map preveiew), where huge amounts of high tire monesters such as the barons of heellls, reventans, and many other were ptted into a 2056x2056 flat square. some peoples may say that this just cheap way and arbieterary way of bumping up difficulty, but i disagree. Rather, this huge minecraft flat fiedl was a reference to the popular wad Nuts.wad and who could forget, the revenants series by Revenant100 (also called Murphy Black). The area I was talking about is shown above i mean below: overall this wad is a masterpiece 500/10 cacoward material