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About scumgirle

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  1. small bug; seems to be a missing/misformatted texture on a single crate near the end of map 04 that causes the crate to be invisible from the sides. using Woof 14.5.0.
  2. really digging this, *love* the medbase setting and the custom texture/monster usage is really snazzy while still feeling appropriately vanilla-in-spirit. huge zombiewoman fan tbh and the former marine's bolt is surprisingly scary while not feeling over-the-top. I really like the amount of space you give the player and how often fights in maps 1-3 involve big groups of fragile monsters; your encounter and arena design really flatter the chaingun shit is very viscerally fun. part of me wishes the soundtrack was a bit more brooding/bit less Bobby Prince heavy but that's my musical bias, I do think your selections are excellent and really fit the vanilla-adjacent vibe you've got going on. I also think health/ammo are maybe a bit too abundant on UV (I was swimming in leftover medkits and cells on map 3) but that's up to your difficulty tuning tbh v excited to play this rest of this
  3. scumgirle

    [-cl9] Orca - now on idgames!

    this was so pretty! excellent chunky cavern vibes, this color scheme is really really pleasant and I love those cutaway roof spirals. I think all of the encounters did a good job of giving the player just enough space to move around (esp with the way you place revenants) and forcing them to stay mobile. also really loved the somber credits map, reminds me a tiny bit of Sacraments'. did not find the secret room/forgot to look for the yellow key but here's a jittery demo! attempt #4, familiar with some of the encounters but not all of them going into this: orca4.zip (Woof 14.5.0 / UV / cl 9)
  4. scumgirle

    Nocturnal WADs?

    these are perf tysm!
  5. Windows 10 Intel Core i5 8500@3.00GHz 8GB RAM stock Intel UHD 630 dual monitor setup I mostly play Doom at work (I work third shift so my job is 90% downtime) and the compy at my desk has the above specs. I keep Doom Launcher and my wads on a flash drive so I can plug and play it wherever. I only really play vanilla/Boom stuff (using Woof p much exclusively) which this setup handles flawlessly but I can't speak for intensive GZDoom stuff. My old setup (at my last, more depressing night shift job which did not provide me a computer) was a jailbroken Vita running PrBoom+ which was a bit of a nightmare on the hands and really held me back skill-level wise in retrospect.
  6. scumgirle

    What are you listening to?

    Duster -- Contemporary Movement (2000; slowcore/indie)
  7. Woof/Crispy's randomly mirrored corpses; they make corpse piles and level backtracking more pleasant while still feeling relatively vanilla (at least to me). Not a deal breaker per se but I also prefer Woof's spectre transparency effect, idk Woof rules.
  8. scumgirle

    Nocturnal WADs?

    looks spooky, tysm!
  9. scumgirle

    Nocturnal WADs?

    this looks rad tysm!
  10. scumgirle

    Nocturnal WADs?

    Heya! I'm looking for WADs that play with nighttime themes in fun ways, especially atmospheric/surreal stuff but I'm not picky. I'm really fond of the opening nightmare sequence in Sacrament and how disjointed/dreamy that whole wad feels.
  11. Would love to contribute a MIDI or two to this if a slot is/becomes available. I make electronic music as one of my other hobbies but just getting into MIDI composition for Doom within the last few weeks. WIP demo as proof I know my way around Sekaiju.