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About justanotherfool

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  1. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Map 08, "Impure Liquids". c308s-123.zip
  2. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to speedrun map 07 next. Now I see why tatsurd wanted somebody else to do it... :) Certainly one of the most difficult speedruns I've ever attempted, and the time reflects the difficulty of the run. I might come back to this map later to make the time a bit more respectable, but for now I'm just glad to be done with it. c307s-703.zip
  3. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Here's a maxdemo for map 06. A slight improvement on Kristian Ronge's time of 4:28. The time would have been better if I hadn't gotten panicky at the end of the demo. Maybe it's the music... c306-416.zip
  4. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Alright, here's a demo that actually works. It's also four seconds faster. c306s-144.zip
  5. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Did a speedrun of map 06, "Foregone Destruction", my favourite of Tormentor's maps. For a moment at the end there I thought I was going to have to start over, but I must have made it to the exit just in time. EDIT: Unfortunately, something seems to be wrong with the demo. I'll see if I can produce one that actually works... :)
  6. justanotherfool

    need help recording demos

    Check out the Speed Demos subforum. It has a few stickied threads that should be useful.
  7. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Decided to max map 25 too, resulting in a time of 13:28, which is 11 seconds faster than Anima's demo. I handled the end quite badly, so there's still some room for improvement here. Had to pause the demo briefly at one point, but I hope that won't be a problem since the duration of the pause is short. c325-1328.zip
  8. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    I have a speedrun for map 25, "Fate In Blood". A fairly good run, I think. It's interesting that I was able to skip the teleporting linedef in front of the exit. c325s-253.zip
  9. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    I finally managed to motivate myself to do some recording (partly due to seeing the compet-n efforts of xit-vono and tatsurd) and have two demos for cc3 map 09, "As The Doctor Sleeps". There's a maxdemo (7:49) and a speedrun (4:05) attached. More to come soon, hopefully. c309.zip
  10. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Good demo, gggmork. You aren't that far off tatsurd's time, and you eclipsed my best time. The movement in the latter half of the demo is particularly good, and not using rockets on the baron and archvile guarding the switch was a nice touch. I don't use sr-50 unless I have a tricky jump that needs doing, since it's awkward with my setup and it interferes with your movement. Can give a useful boost if you're moving across a relatively open area though. A mouse allows you to get better angles for movement, which might increase your straferunning capabilities, I suppose. 7:30 seems like it might be out of reach, but a high 7:3x could be possible.
  11. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    Very nice, tatsurd. It didn't look like you did anything that radical in the wing with the RL, but by the time you had entered the yellow key door you were 20 or 30 secs ahead of me at the same stage in my last demo, and that widened to about 50 seconds later on! Guess it goes to show just how much time more efficient rocketing can save. I might come back to this one, since I have some new ideas of my own, and soon I'll have a lot of time to record. I don't know if I'll be able to beat such a stellar time, though.
  12. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    @tatsurd: Surely you're forgetting that you also hold the record for map 07? I look forward to seeing if you can in fact get below 8 minutes in map 17. At the moment it looks like you're pretty close! @cack-handed: Nice demo! As you say there's room for improvement still. You had about 50 cells left at the end, for example. Good that everything teleported in successfully for you. @gggmork: Good job subduing that army of revenants in map 24. I got quite a fright when they revealed themselves... :) No prizes for guessing which will be the last map to be maxed... 18 could be tricky to do well due to its non-linearity, but 25 is not particularly taxing, and they're both fun maps. "Black Rain" could turn out to be quite an ordeal though.
  13. I would also recommend Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Requiem, Back to Basics, Vile Flesh and the 2 Needs More Detail episodes. Definitely not slaughter maps, and not too detailed either, although if your detail threshold is really that low, a few of these may be too much. I wouldn't call Alien Vendetta a slaughterfest, although it undoubtedly contains slaughter maps. I thought most of the early maps in particular were pretty low on the monster count. But you could always turn the skill level down if needs be. It isn't really possible for single monsters to create tension anymore since we're all presumably much better players now than when we were children (or at least beginners). Nowadays, low monster counts don't really present a threat unless conditions are very cramped and/or ammo is very low.
  14. justanotherfool

    Plutonia 2 soon to be released!

    The screenshots look great. I can't wait to play this.
  15. justanotherfool

    Community Chest Series Demos [-complevel 9]

    @emailking: Yeah, it would be nice to see it done, but the problem is that there's so little ammo in the level that it seems to be impossible to kill everything. I think Anima recorded a speedrun though, which can probably be found in the CC2 demopack thread. EDIT: Incidentally, I have a question about lost souls and UV-Max. I know they don't contribute to the kill percentage at least in prboom and zdoom (and I would expect the same to hold for vanilla), so does this mean that you can neglect to kill any lost souls that may have been placed in the level and still have a legitimate maxdemo? What about lost souls from PEs and monsters that have been resurrected by archviles? Can those be ignored?