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Pulse Blast

   (6 reviews)
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3 Screenshots

About This File

1 level tech-based Boom compatible map. Please test, comment, & rate it. :) It's my second release here.

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Unknown date

3/5...Fails to boot in prboom do to missing textures. Map itself is fairly well detailed often times pitting you against monsters in cramped situations. Kept on running into bugs throughout the level. This map just yearns for another update! -FoH ::DEMO zdoom svn r3333 -skill 4::http://www.mediaf ire.com/?ta4hajfamdc 2m6m (remove spaces)

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Unknown date

Its pretty good map, some structures look a bit awkward but most of em go together with the environment you created. The only complaint would be too easy with too much ammo and health available, and the monster choice seems a bit random in many areas and usually doesn't pose a challenge especially with he overwhelming ammo without any secrets used. But the map style looks nice and has decent play 4/5 - Heracle

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Unknown date

The amount of backtracking through multiple lifts makes this horribly boring. 1/5 - Zalewa

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Unknown date

Too easy with too much ammo and health. It's mostly cramped with one main texture for the floor walls and ceiling. Traps were repetitive, and themes were random. 2/5

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