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3D steps demo

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I made this little map some time back and I figured I'd share it.

There's not much to it, in fact it doesn't even have monsters..

It's basically just a bunch of 3d floor steps stacked 12 stories high.


At the time I was curious as to how many floors could be stacked before the engine didn't seem to like it.

I'm not sure if I met those limits but I'm sure I might be pushing it if I go much higher.


So, it's currently considered a demo of sorts, and maybe there's some devs out there that might use it for testing.

It does have the potential of having an entry way per floor, so it could be an interesting map if one wanted to do something like that.

And feel free to modify it to your liking if you want, or again use it for testing purposes if wanted.




Created with gzdb in Doom2 udmf, tested in Gzdoom with Doom2.


Edited by Mr.Rocket

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Thanks for sharing. I'll probably use it some later if I decide to mess with 3d floors again.


For now though it's fun to spawn monsters in and have the worst vertical battle ever.

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15 hours ago, DuckReconMajor said:

For now though it's fun to spawn monsters in and have the worst vertical battle ever.

lol, yeah I did slap some Caco's in just for kicks at one point also.

But yeah I was thinking it would be fun to have an entry way per level as you walk up where the monsters would get increasingly more intense.

There's no reason this couldn't happen, at that, entering a whole new level or hub as you go.

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Very nice, Mr.Rocket

Mind you though, this will be fairly tricky when adding sloped 3D sectors, for example




where you not only have to keep track of the sloped sector alignment but also have to add a sector to determine where to slope to.


But, thanks to boris this is relatively easy with the 3dfloormode plugin,




which is explained at the ZDoom forum.


For those interested, I had made a tutorial where I show both methods with a sloped roofed building.




Edited by Kappes Buur

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On mardi 31 mars 2020 at 6:50 PM, Mr.Rocket said:


I had the weirdest blast from the past.



1980s CGI technology!

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On 4/2/2020 at 5:19 AM, Kappes Buur said:

this will be fairly tricky when adding sloped 3D sectors, for example

Thanks, and.. well this is true, also had the feeling someone was going to post up about 3d slopes.

Tricky, but possible.

Your map is actually really similar to what I was doing there, but likely took much longer due to all the angles.

Good stuff!


On 4/2/2020 at 5:25 AM, Dragonfly said:

I know this is an older method than using the plugin, but for those interested there's also a 3D Slope tutorial over on my website which is fully illustrated. :)

Older.. You know it, heh.

You know, I've never messed with the plug-ins, I should look into them at some point. I suppose I'm just stuck in my old ways.

I made these crazy door frames a few years ago, the doors were poly object sliders. But the frames were really small 3dslopes which took a few to align to the texture behind.  


~ unfortunately I lost this map I was working for Doom3 Retro via hdd crash.. :(


On 4/2/2020 at 8:23 AM, Gez said:

I had the weirdest blast from the past.

LoL, who woulda thought?

I promise I've seen that before!




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