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Fractured Worlds [Final Release/Idgames]

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46 minutes ago, Novaan said:

I downloaded this a while ago but never got around to playing it, finally got to dip into it and my god is it good even if UV is beating my ass currently and I'm too proud to take a lower difficulty. LMAO Aesthetic is right up my alley too, 10/10.


I can't help but wonder what the midi is called that's played on the level end screen? The Doom Wiki lists everything except that one. Idk where it's from or who did it but it sounds incredibly lovely

Glad you're enjoying it :)

Midi for the intermission screen is T_Utopia by ZZZV (Yakfak). They make lots of good maps and midi!

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12 hours ago, Nirvana said:

Glad you're enjoying it :)

Midi for the intermission screen is T_Utopia by ZZZV (Yakfak). They make lots of good maps and midi!

Very much so! Definitely enjoying the challenge as well, some very fun fights so far.


Oh, I'll have to check them out, thanks!

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As a newbie mapper, I'm shamelessly rifling through these maps to learn lighting, architecture and closet/trigger/voodoo tricks :D


UDB's been tricky, but not as tricky as fighting my own total lack of creativity and ability to be easily overly frustrated for no reason D:


Beautiful and very well-composed maps. :D

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Insane Gazebo is involved. Im guessing this is crazy amounts of slaughter then? :p I.E id have no chance of beating lmao

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Just started MAP04, UV. So far,  the architecture is jaw-dropping, the colors are gorgeous and the set pieces are clever. Every single map is a fucking blast!

You quickly became one my favorite mappers with this WAD.

I have been a fan of your podcast, but to be honest, I had never tried any of your maps up until I watched @Sobad streaming this WAD the other day. 
Now, I’m eager to try Breathless and Entropy.

 Very well done (all of you), and thanks for these great contributions to the Doom Community!


Edited by Fly In The Lotion

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On 12/2/2022 at 7:23 PM, Bozzy said:

Insane Gazebo is involved. Im guessing this is crazy amounts of slaughter then? :p I.E id have no chance of beating lmao


Not really, to be honest. Slaughter content is minimal, and MAP32 is probably one of Insane_Gazebo's tamest maps, monster count and difficulty wise.

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On 12/2/2022 at 10:23 AM, Bozzy said:

Insane Gazebo is involved. Im guessing this is crazy amounts of slaughter then? :p I.E id have no chance of beating lmao

The difficulty settings are quite comprehensive in this WAD, so make use of them.

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On 12/12/2022 at 6:21 PM, Fly In The Lotion said:

Just started MAP04, UV. So far,  the architecture is jaw-dropping, the colors are gorgeous and the set pieces are clever. Every single map is a fucking blast!

You quickly became one my favorite mappers with this WAD.

I have been a fan of your podcast, but to be honest, I had never tried any of your maps up until I watched @Sobad streaming this WAD the other day. 
Now, I’m eager to try Breathless and Entropy.

 Very well done (all of you), and thanks for these great contributions to the Doom Community!


Cool! Glad you're liking it and it's fun to see the various ways people come across my wads - the Sobad streams were a lot of fun!

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Just been through this map pack, amazing visuals and challenging fights, as expected. Has to be said Nirvana, I'm not the biggest fan of your style of platforming, had a massive amount of trouble with it (had the same problem with your map in Haste, lawdy lawdy), but that's my only real gripe. 

Had a couple of issues happen when going through the set (I play GZDoom, Boom strict compatibility):

- Map 4, I couldn't shoot the hidden purple key switch. It just never appeared for me.
- Map 32, the cyberdemon infight room. The teal cybers managed to kill the two big blue ones a couple of times, which left me soft-locked in that room. Is there any chance that a 3rd could be added in? I know it's RNG, but it's better to be safe than sorry. 

I think that's it, very fun map pack, though whoever described it as 'late game Sunlust' in difficulty is having a laugh, it felt FAR harder.

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1 minute ago, Flyxolydian said:

- Map 4, I couldn't shoot the hidden purple key switch. It just never appeared for me.

It's only visible at the very beginning, and disappears as soon as you drop down from the starting room, so you have to shoot it from that start room before crossing the linedef. It's possible but a bit tricky.

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2 minutes ago, brick said:

It's only visible at the very beginning, and disappears as soon as you drop down from the starting room, so you have to shoot it from that start room before crossing the linedef. It's possible but a bit tricky.


I see, that'll be it then, thanks!
I returned back later on in the map for secret hunting, seems an odd choice to have it disappear like that though. 

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I'm just on the 4th map atm, but this WAD looks REALLY nice. You are a bit stingy with ammo tho, but I can see the reasoning behind it.

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I had so much fun playing this mapset, first on ITYTD then on HNTR.
I recommend it to very casual players like me because it’s quite approachable and very nice to improve your skills :

I’ve practiced so many doom tricks here ! More than in any other wad I’ve played : moving a lot, the fine art of infighting (a.k.a making (teal) cyberdemons your best buddy), circle strafe, the U movement, slaloming, berserk punching revenants, pain elementals and archviles, shotgunning Cyberdemon, not so hard platforming, learning to change well your weapon depending on what you have to face… you have some close fights, some large arena one, distant hitscanners (not so much but some)

To be honest, even though I sometimes had to cheat a very very little bit for some hard encounters, I was beginning to think, after the first six levels, that maybe… maybe… I could consider myself not so bad at this game…

…Then I’ve played the secrets levels : 31 is a fascinating lost souls invasion (I know there is a way to avoid that but it was so beautiful) and 32 is not so difficult at the beginning but, at some point, Insane gazebo decided to show his love for archviles (and, as he said, for Go f*** yourself) which… change a lot my approach to the map.

The six (or seven) Nirvana’s maps are absolutely wonderful and satisfying (for the eyes, for the ears and for the player), the two secret maps are interesting to realize and understand the differences in mapper’s styles and are also fantastic (especially the 32 but I’m a dedicated fan of Insane Gazebo architecture), so,  you got it : it’s a brilliant wad ! And, once again, maybe the one I prefer to learn things in doom !


Thanks to the artists !

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I just finished the mapset.  Only major issue I noticed is that the end text doesn't display for GZDoom, but it does display for PrBoom+.

I'm guessing it's because you're using the old MAPINFO format.

Also, I believe that Map31 has a softlock if you happen to run over the barrier the moment after you get the BFG.

Wish that you didn't have to manually warp to the secret maps. I would have preferred if the MAPINFO lump was used to properly load to the secret maps.


Overall, I like the use of Ribbiks' color palette and the architecture.  The fights felt like a mixed bag.  InsaneGazebo's map was my favorite of the bunch.


Edit: I discovered why the exit text doesn't work after map 6.  Map 7 has a cluster of 1 where it should be 2 or 3.  Definitely a bug. 


Edited by EncryptedVolt

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The secret maps being separate was a deliberate choice. Also the palette is not Ribbiks', I made it for this mapset specifically. Nothing in this wad was built for GZ so there are probably some issues that I missed, despite my testing.

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Ok, the palette reminded me a lot of Magnolia, so I thought it was based off that.  (considering that Ribbiks was credited for support)

Having a secret exit not lead to a secret map makes it look like that something is broken from a player's perspective.

The exit text just needs a simple patch.  If you want, I could upload a small hotfix that corrects the error.


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