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Best stop action vid ever!

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Saw this on SA a week ago, and yes, it truly is a work of art. Took a LOT of patience to get this right.

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Heheh, stop-motion videos... we've all done those. :-) This is by far the longest, smoothest, most inventive and, therefore, the overall most impressive amateur stop-motion video I've ever seen. I recall seeing another kick-ass video (done with Lego, I believe) long ago, but this one is even better!

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Kristian Ronge said:

I recall seeing another kick-ass video (done with Lego, I believe) long ago, but this one is even better!

You mean this?

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Yeah. I remember seeing that kind of stuff during a field trip to an art college. That was over 10 years ago, so...

Wow, that's incredible. I can't imagine how long it took to make that!

All it takes is a good amount of planning, creatvitity and choreography. Then you could do it all in 'one take'.


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I've done a fair amount of stop motion animations. Whether it be claymation, frame-by-frame cartooning, or anything else (we've come up with some crazy ideas)

It's definitely difficult, but the effect is unproducable by any other means. It's very rewarding at the end : D

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