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No End In Sight demos [-complevel 3]

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2 hours ago, the Hellwalker said:

Just uploaded this run it took me the last 752 times too get 3 of these runs this is the run that I recorded



Do you have a zip file of a demo and .txt file ? 

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5 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

Nice! 2 hours! What inspired you to take on the run?

I really like the Ultimate Doom formula. I try to beat the maps with fast monsters without saves from a pistol start and with 100% of everything. I found NEIS and enjoyed episode 1 and 2. Episode 3 was a mixed bag for me so far. Usually I do not record my plathroughs. But beating E3M6 was so hard for me, that I decided to record it. I know my time is not great, but my primary goal was to beat the map. Since no one uploaded an UV fast run yet, I thought why not upload mine :)
Thank you for creating this WAD! It is high quality work, polished and has lot of great ideas.

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5 hours ago, okdoomer said:

E3M7 UV Fast in 84:48



I am wondering if there is a way to get the blue armor on that imp tower.


It's funny - this is the second time someone's asked me this this week!


Type IDCLIP. Then you can walk through walls and sector height isn't an issue.

But in all seriousness, it's inaccessible. This section of e3m7 is copy/pasted from the first map of my first release, The Beginning of the End part 1, aka end1.wad. In the original this armor is accessible, but not in NEIS. 

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24 minutes ago, NaturalTvventy said:

It's funny - this is the second time someone's asked me this this week!


Type IDCLIP. Then you can walk through walls and sector height isn't an issue.

But in all seriousness, it's inaccessible. This section of e3m7 is copy/pasted from the first map of my first release, The Beginning of the End part 1, aka end1.wad. In the original this armor is accessible, but not in NEIS. 


I spent forever in there trying to figure it out myself, eventually did indeed say 'fuck it' and noclipped up there, considered it fair compensation for the time I wasted, especially since I knew it was obtainable in the original. Thanks for clarifying that pickup though!

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E3M1 UV Pacifist (also UV Speed) in 0:39

I tried another route than Pseudonaut near the end by taking the teleporter.


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