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About prfunky

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  1. prfunky

    Claires first map!

    WHAAA?! I've never thought of doing this! Then again, if I had, I'd probably be terrible at pulling it off... Will note this for the future. Hopefully, nobody's felt ruthlessly stepped on by me ~ I'm a harmless fuzzball!
  2. prfunky

    Claires first map!

    Lucky me, most of the time I do this, the mapper has provided a lax license for fair use; in fact, I look for those! I did think it was odd to see a remake in the original posting. Generally, I'll do my edits and then PM the original author/poster and make available to them directly rather than splatter it publicly. That being said, I've got some really good feedback from original authors when I've doctored up their original works. I try my best to expand the capabilities used in the map as a learning model for the author. Since they authored the map, they're instantly familiar with the base floorplan of what they created and can just as easily open up my modification in their Doom editor, their own work becomes a learning tool of more internalized lesson(s). Lately, I've been considering starting a community project based around this idea. I'll be giving that some more thought prior to posting such a topic though...
  3. what makes November special?
  4. prfunky

    "Picked up a clip" notifications etc.

    Are these custom items you're picking up? If so, then the message is in your ZScript or DECORATE code for that item. (I assumed ZDoom-based port due to you mentioning MAPINFO) As an example, here's my frosted donut armor item from one of my mods: ACTOR FrostedDonut : BasicArmorPickup replaces GreenArmor { Radius 20 Height 16 Inventory.PickupMessage "mmm... donut" Inventory.PickupSound "misc/dnutpkup" Inventory.Icon "VNUTH0" Armor.SavePercent 33.335 Armor.SaveAmount 40 States { Spawn: VNUT ABCDEFGH 6 Bright Loop } } The line that says Inventory.PickupMessage "mmm... donut" is what sets it.
  5. Even auto-align isn't perfect; in general it does okay especially with aligning in the X-direction. However, aligning in the Y? Unless all of your adjacent ceilings are the same height, get used to doing a lot of manual alignment. Did almost perfect on the .txt but use the end of those equal signs (===etc.) as a guide of where you can cut off your text. Took me awhile to get the hang of this too. Yeah, mostly good but unless your putting some juicy tidbit like a BFG or Soul Sphere in your dead end alcoves, avoid having any dead ends as once a DM player knows the map, they'll avoid (and waste) that part of the map every time. So, you already have most of your texture alignment handled. Somewhere in the history of John Romero's guide to map-making is some statement about any time you change floor height, change the flat used as well. I only noticed one instance but I may extrapolate that "rule" to ceilings as well: Finally, if you're in need of office furniture, try your hand at thing-editing (sprites); you can probably use Scalliano's new chair:
  6. prfunky

    DOOM Big Box Recreations

    Sounds like a job for me and my crayon box. But you probably wouldn't be happy with the results...
  7. prfunky

    {Doom II} Reign Of Evil

    Thank you for making maps I can play. I always enter uncharted territory of new maps on Hurt Me Plenty. As evidenced by this screenshot: I made it through the first map (33). And now, here is where I died: Notes: I used Zandronum 3.1 and as yet, had no problems running the map(s). I did resort to jumping once when I forgot that you were enforcing a rule against; it really was of no consequence as the enemies in the place I jumped were already vanquished and I was just dealing with your annoying furniture. In the first map, I really liked your grungy texture assets you used more in the darker areas. I'll look at these more closely in the future. Furthermore, I'll be removing this wad from the untested sewage subfolder of my main Doom directory because I will play this again when I'm in a more serious map playing mood as opposed to tonite's "just need a break from working on sprite assets before I go blind" mode. Curious: why did you start the wad at map33? Why I noticed was upon beating it, I wasn't taken to map34 and for a few seconds, thought I misread that this was a multi-map file. Weird to finish a map and be taken to Doom's curtain call cast of characters screen. Is this part of enforcing pistol starts or something? Thanks for providing me with some actual entertainment this evening!
  8. prfunky

    help for monsters

    Um... besides converting the graphics for your custom monster from png to doom-whatever format, did you also press the "magic button" in SLADE to center the graphics? If not, your monster may be there in whatever map you placed it in but you can't see it because it could be below the floor!
  9. Same here ^ ~ and it was years between my first playing Doom 2 and then original Doom! Agreed! Doom is ug-ly! But then again, that was kindof a design point... Thanks for taking me back to my damn AMD 386dx40 with only one megabyte of RAM... fargin' 30-pin SIMM modules...
  10. prfunky

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    Pisser that your provider requires a login to be able to download your work. I don't care to join another forum just to be able to do so. We should figure out a better way to host your stuff as I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your testing your work on the various Doom ports. I thought I was the only one who got that detailed and particular about doing so.
  11. prfunky

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    !!! Heh; love this ^ I used to think hardly anybody ever even downloads my work. Then, I realized that I'd always been looking at the http stats on my website. I'd never put https stuff on there but my service provider did on one of their last upgrades late last year. When I discovered this separated https(ecure) portion of my stats, I found out that yes indeed, many have downloaded my work. That's all I needed to say, "I'll keep sharing it then", rather than keeping it all to my very own uses. Now, just because it's been downloaded, doesn't mean the work has been played. Hell, I download plenty of Doom content from this site as well as others but it takes me like forever and a day to "get around to it" due to the amount of time I spend creating on my own stuff. @LadyMistDragon did a video playthrough of my only dedicated single-player thing and left the comment something along the lines of "too many tanky enemies". I took that to heart and created a rehab of one of my previous deathmatch-with-monsters maps and dedicated it to her ~ Mo'Tanky Enemeesh! For myself, it turned out to be the funnest/funniest works I'd ever done; after more than four months, I still join my server nearly every day and laugh my ass off.
  12. prfunky

    "Project: DOOM" Looking For a Team

    Your About Me page is a great place to list your works that you've created. Then, people who might be interested in your project can see what your style is, what kind of things your good at and where they might fit in helping out where you have deficiencies.
  13. prfunky

    So i have some questions...

    Shepardus makes a great point above! I'm so used to naming my maps in zmapinfo and mapinfo lumps that I forgot about this very usage for DeHackEd. Also, I thought I should mention that there are extensions to dehacked for specific Doom ports which increase the capabilities available to the modder such as in ZDaemon.
  14. prfunky

    Deathmatch - Ideally, how many maps in a wad?

    Gonna say that @Decay is pretty spot on. As a player, I prefer to not play the same map over and over but have many maps at my disposal. Typically, if I load up an 18-map deathmatch wad file, there will be about 3 stinkers that I won't put in rotation. There are many reasons I might do this; in some cases, I've found through playing that there's an unforgiveable error on a map which just messes everybody up who is playing. Or another reason might be because one map is a symmetrical boring map. Whatever. Lately, I've been releasing a map every time I make a new one. So as a player, I hate me, my map-making self. Eventually, I'll put a compilation of my single maps together into one tasty deathmatch wad file. Hopefully, when that time comes, I'll also have ironed out all the bugs of my creations as well.
  15. prfunky

    So i have some questions...

    Just going to tack on to @Nate42 here as the point I was to make is illustrated nearly perfectly. Originally, when Doom was "just a DOS game", there were two main files; DOOM.EXE and DOOM.WAD, or in the case of Doom II, DOOM2.EXE and DOOM2.WAD. At that point in time, everyone with a computer knew that a file ending in .EXE meant EXEcutable file. (as an aside, the other two executable extensions were .COM, a very compact executable and .BAT, a text script known as a BATch file.) So, DOOM.EXE and DOOM2.EXE were the program or engine that does all the work. So what were DOOM.WAD & DOOM2.WAD? They were the data that the program uses, WAD = "Where's All the Data?" Anyhow, when stuff needed to modify the actual engine, the .EXE files, DeHackEd was the tool to modify it. A user would first, hopefully, back up their copy of DOOM.EXE and then apply the DeHackEd patch to the actual executable resulting in a different .EXE file. That .EXE when run, would show the user all the changes to gameplay. When new (better!) source ports were created, they included the ability to apply the DeHackEd patches to play without actually modifying an .EXE file. So, here's why I wanted to chime in; from a command line, a user starts with the source port, and then gives the DeHackEd patch as an argument such as: zandronum -deh monsterBehaviorChange.deh -file dopeAssMaps.wad Notice that the DeHackEd patch uses a different argument switch than the map. DeHackEd is still popular especially around these parts (doomworld.com) and almost all of the source ports support its use. ZDoom-derived ports, such as GzDoom and Zandronum also support the DECORATE and ZScript languages which are capable of most of the things that DeHackEd can do but without the limitations imposed by the original Doom, such as the necessity of finding unused frames to squish one's engine hacks into.