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About NightmareZer0

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  1. NightmareZer0

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    I made two demos for Eviternity II RC5.wad Map 33. I tried Turbo 255 on one of them but I didn't get a "Player is Turbo!" message in DSDA (Maybe it has been removed?) I tried -turbo 255 and did notice some higher strafe amd move values. It has been a long time since I played around with turbo. Anyways, I got one "turboed" and one not. More of a "Swag" TAS than speed. I seen the map and knew it had to be done. Thought it would look cool. Anyways let me know what you think. Complevel 21 btw. swagmap33.zip
  2. NightmareZer0

    Strange Ledge Bug in a TAS

    Oh well damn. I wasn't sure what complevel to use I basically was just messing around. I didn't even think of the complevels being a factor. I mainly wanted to post it as well in case by some rare chance I found some extremely rare bug that might be useful to someone out there for something. I had been playing limit removing maps and I guess I forgot to change the complevel. I didn't even know about the collision box sizes.
  3. NightmareZer0

    Setting up LibTAS with GZDoom.

    I should of been more clear. I don't really play Doom till late at night so my brain isn't the most alert. "They" being the libTAS discord. I reformatted since then. So I lost all of my DSDA demos. I pretty much gave up for now. And no I did not know that. I seen someone posting (Shit I can't remember the name of the mod) The sonic mod for Doom Legacy. And it got me wondering if I could run GZDoom with it (I know two totally different engines). I wanted to give Doom Infinite a shot with a TAS. But between having to install Linux/Set up a VM, and figuring out how to get it to work with GZDoom. It seems like more work than a slight curiosity.I thought maybe I was setting something up wrong. But I appreciate the response. Thank you.
  4. NightmareZer0

    Strange Ledge Bug in a TAS

    I was trying out the DB series and decided to go play the very first one. I kept running low on ammo playing it casually so I thought I might see what I could do frame by frame and make a TAS. I like making no damage TASes and I was able to save a whole shell box but towards the end of the level I got this strange bug I have never seen before. A Hell Knight was floating in mid air. I am no programmer so I could only make guesses why this happened. I wanted to post the demo and see if anyone could tell me why (I am actually really curious I can't seem to recall this bug ever popping up in my game before). Maybe it was because I was playing the game frame by frame? I also want to note I have a part of the demo where I stop moving. I guess I forgot to fully rewind in between takes (oops). Complevel is 9 (Boom). I included the DB_01.wad in the ZIP for convenience purposes. bug.zip
  5. I thought it would be cool to play around with LibTAS and GZDoom and find some neat things I could make but I can not get the two to work. I tried running WSL2 with Windows 11. Could not get any video. I tried installing PopOS and and a few other distros with VirtualBox and still no video. Decided to put PopOS on the bare metal and try. Still not having much luck. I was told this on Discord "you dont even need any special source code modifications for it to work in libTAS anymore, just add the `-nofork` CLI argument and it works in 2.2.13+ now" I was getting the console rendered at least but now I am getting 0 video. I was thinking maybe it was a video driver? I am using a 3050 on a laptop (on linux too). I really feel like I am forgetting something or I am not educated enough on Linux usage. I have been a Windows person most of my life, but I am trying to learn Linux (I got about a year experience off and on). So I am really trying to figure out what I am doing wrong here. I know I probably could just post in their Discord some more, but I also wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with LibTAS and if they had any demos they could show off while they were here at least.
  6. NightmareZer0

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    I made some TNTTHREE demos for fun. Map 23: UV-Speed/Pacifist Map 26: This really isn't in a category. I just thought it looked cool. I could of made it faster. But waiting for a vile to do a jump in slow-motion was fucking me up. With more patients I could low the time significantly. tnt3TAS.zip
  7. NightmareZer0

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    Well I figured I'd go ahead and upload my latest project. I have a few other WIP projects but this has to be my best one so I am putting all my time and effort into this. I am doing a TAS of Not Even Remotely Fair. I am using DSDA though. I would like to use XDRE and make a really good speedrun but I do not fully understand how to use XDRE yet. I do not know how to do clips and glides and void outs yet either. Once I learn how to do those I'd really like to make a full XDRE run of this wad. But with all of that in mind this is what I got so far. Any advice, suggestions, or ideas would be appreciated. I did my best.
  8. NightmareZer0

    TAS (tool-assisted) demos: part 2

    I made a few TAS' for fun. I am not the best TASer out there but I enjoy it. I mostly like doing UV-MAX with Fast Monsters with No Damage. I am currently working on a few TAS demos. I recorded them and put them on my Youtube Channel. I guess I will post my 4 most recent TAS videos. The one I have been working on recently I haven't recorded it yet. Yes I know I am using Bandicam. My computer seems to record better with it than OBS. I hope I didn't post too many.
  9. NightmareZer0

    dsda-doom source port [v0.24.3]

    Avast on default settings stopped it for some reason. Didn't stop the last version. It also didn't move it to the vault or anything. That is really weird.
  10. NightmareZer0

    dsda-doom source port [v0.24.3]

    This new update behaves strange for me. GLBoom+ crashes and displays an error for me. PRBoom was working and then did the same thing. I made a new folder and put it in there and it still does it. Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may have inappropriate permissions to access this file.
  11. NightmareZer0

    dsda-doom source port [v0.24.3]

    This is amazing. As someone who is making a mostly Slow-Mo TAS this will save me ALOT of time. It was getting annoying having to constantly exit and reload GLBoom when I made a mistake. Everything works well except the "Show Alive Monsters". It works with regular GLBoom Plus. I added -TAS to the command line and the rest of the TAS only things work. I even rebound the key and nothing. No matter what I do I can't get it to work. Maybe it is a bug? EDIT: I changed the renderer and I fixed it. Didn't realize it wasn't set to OpenGL out of the box. Could it be possible to also highlight the items that are required for 100% like the way the monsters are highlighted? It would be useful if someone was trying to get all the items as well. I don't know just an idea.
  12. NightmareZer0

    Quake/Doom/Doom2 made out CARDBOARD

    Thoughts? I thought some of you might enjoy this. I stumbled across this guy about a month ago. I legit was impressed by the talent.
  13. I check the forums almost daily to see if any more progress has been made on this mod. I really want to try this.
  14. I wish I could host both volumes with Zandronum and play them both with a friend. Is there any way to get the first wad to work with Zandronum? (I know I saw the other thread where another person was having the same problem but I didn't know if it could be resolved)
  15. I absolutely love this. I wish there was a download link :(