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About DavidN

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    Doom Rabbit

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  1. @dfuse That verification bot’s nothing but trouble sometimes - let me know your Discord name and I can add you myself
  2. DavidN

    gamers.org downtime

    Thank you for all you both do for all of us :)
  3. RAMP 2024 is now closed for new entries after THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX submissions!! Thank you to everyone for contributing, whether it was your first ever Doom mapping experiment or you’re a seasoned mapper. Thanks also to those in the Discord who were helping others along the way so nicely :) Maps are still able to be updated, but I would discourage anything but minor changes just now. I’ve trimmed 13 maps so far that weren’t able to be finished, and will reach out to the remaining authors whose maps are WIP or erroring. After that I’ll tidy the hub up so there’s a coherent game around them… and keep going with the playthrough videos for the next month or so D: I hope this month has got you caught up in Doom mapping again - thank you to everyone!
  4. Thank you so much, everyone - I'm going to bed! I'll close RAMP 2024 when I start work for the day in about 10 hours. Don't stress yourself if you need a bit of extra time - contact me and we can work to get any vital last updates in. I hope you've enjoyed the process :)
  5. We’ve hit the 300 map mark! Oh no!
  6. Thank you for all these screenshots and videos - they look incredible! This month’s gone quickly and there are three days left until July! There are currently 259 maps, 56 of which are marked as works in progress. I advise trying to wrap things up a couple of days early and to resist the temptation to adjust and obsess until the last minute - this is about having fun, don’t stress yourself :) On July 1st I’ll reach out to everyone whose map is still marked WIP or has compilation errors, to see if you want to keep or withdraw it and help iron out any last obstacles.
  7. @Ash4ash Have you looked at your logs on the RAMP site? It looks like you have some things in the sprites region that don't belong there, and conflicting sprite names: https://ramp2024.doomproject.com/maplog.php?id=41 https://ramp2024.doomproject.com/maplog.php?id=45
  8. Well if the last few years are any indication, half of america would say “I’m not living in fear like you liberals, the government made up demons and they’re just like the common cold anyway” then step outside and be immolated
  9. Thank you, I'm going to be so interested to watch this! Update: Bloody hell D:
  10. Yes, bring down the console with the backtick key ` and use the command: changemap hubmap This will act like you've completed the level and will bring you back to the hub.
  11. Are you using the latest version of GZDoom, 4.12.2?
  12. Welcome! The good news is that you don’t have to modify anything :) Doom is built so that custom wads are layered over the top of the base game when they’re loaded, so you never modify the original game’s data. You need an IWAD such as DOOM2.WAD, which contains the base data for the game. Running that WAD in a source port or vanilla will play the game as it was. In most cases, if you drag a custom WAD on to the source port’s executable, it will load the base IWAD with the custom WAD on top of it, and it’ll replace whatever levels it’s designed to. If you’re on true vanilla, the command line is DOOM2.EXE -file MYWAD.WAD - most source ports will use a similar syntax if you’re a terminal user.
  13. I'm really enjoying all the screenshots and videos that are being posted so far!
  14. Yes, this is an oddity that comes from how Doom 2 graphics were stored originally... "flats" for floors and ceilings were completely different things from "textures" for walls, so they could have the same names and not interefere with each other. UDMF allows any graphic to be used for flat surfaces and walls, so UDB/GZDoom can disagree about whether to use the flat or the texture version. To work around this I would actually just add your own texture that doesn't have any name clashes - you can export the step graphic using SLADE and copy it into your own WAD under a different name. I've just put up a video that shows how to work with textures :)
  15. That’s really strange, one other person in the Discord has said the same thing but I’m not sure why it doesn’t happen to everyone! It doesn’t sound like you’ve done anything wrong - I’ll see if I can do anything about it