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About caikelm

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  1. caikelm

    TNT MIDI Pack - Now on idgames!

    Unfortunately it can't :/ Besides if I understand correctly, MIDI files sound different depending on the soundfont, right? So even if my phone could play it, it would likely not sound the same as when I'm playing the game. That's why I wish all these amazing MIDI packs out there had mp3 versions for casual listening. But anyway, it's alright. It's still a great project :v (Sorry for bad english I'm brazillian)
  2. caikelm

    TNT MIDI Pack - Now on idgames!

    I'll check it out anyway. Thanks! Btw, is there any chance you could make these tracks available in mp3 format? I would love listening to them on my phone :v
  3. caikelm

    TNT MIDI Pack - Now on idgames!

    The Ultimate MIDI pack is just amazing! Is there anything like that for Doom II? That just replaces the duplicate tracks?
  4. caikelm

    TNT MIDI Pack - Now on idgames!

    Holy shit there's Lee Jackson music in this??? Downloading ASAP
  5. Thanks! The image aligns perfectly except for the upper right tower (e4m7) but it doesn't bother me much
  6. You kidding? I can barely wait to shove some double-bladed chainsaw up that arch-vile's ass.
  7. caikelm

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    I was talking about the automap drawing the secret areas after you've found them, like in the previous games. There's an option for that in gzdoom but it was apparently deliberately removed in this mod because that's how the original game was or something like that.
  8. caikelm

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    What I love about this mod and sets it apart from all the others in my opinion is the fact that it doesn't try to be faithful to the original nintendo 64 experience. I don't think the original game is bad by any means but while playing I was constantly bothered by things like doomguy not having hands and the shotgun reloading being basically just a sound effect. I know there's Brutal Doom 64 but that's just too over-the-top to me. I like it but I don't really think it's the best way to play doom 64. Then I found Retribution and it only took a few minutes in the first level for it to blow my mind. It's the best doom 64 mod in my opinion because it actually improves over the original experience without losing it's identity. It doesn't take too much liberty with the enhancements but still puts the game on par with the previous games with the new gun animations, the extra levels and all of the gzdoom features. Makes the whole classic games feel more consistent to each other, if that makes any sense. Well, to me, the mod is already perfect in terms of features and enhancements (I still think it would be awesome to have the classic HUD Doom 64 Style) and I think any new feature that changes the visuals to make it more faithful to the original like the message thing mentioned earlier should be optional (I wish the not-showing-found-secrets-on-automap was optional too) That's why I wish we can get to play the new doom 64 episode in Retribution some day.
  9. caikelm

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    I know, I know! Relax :v To me, the canon was always: Ultimate Doom, Doom II (and NRFTL) Evilution, Plutonia, Doom 64 (and dare I say, the new retribution episode too, whatever it turns out to be), Doom 2016 and now Eternal. But I don't remember D64 being acknowledged as it is being now for a long time, so I was never really sure if it was official. Heck, before finding this forum I thought I was one of the very few people who knew this game existed, so when I found Retribution my head literally exploded.
  10. caikelm

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    So I just heard that the new D64 port is getting some new levels. I also heard that So, will the new levels get ported to retribution eventually? :v And will the new lore elements presented in Eternal be taken into account on the making of the new Retribution episode? Cheers!
  11. caikelm

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    So guys I don't know if this is the right thread to ask for this (if there is a more appropriate one please tell me) but is there a wad that makes the two new Romero maps (e1m4b and e1m8b) be selectable as separate "episodes" in ultimate doom? I mean, a wad that loads them but without replacing the existing e1m8 and e1m4, either by having them selectable "episodes" or at least place them in the game to be accessible through the "map e1m8b" console command. Also is there a hud that is identical to the gzdoom fullscreen hud but with the keys placed beside the health & armor (similar to doom 2016)? Thanks in advance :v
  12. caikelm

    Oddball theory on the Marauder and Doomslayer

    @Gerardo194 How long did it take for you to put all this together? This is massive! I just love all those puns lol. I think I'll stick to the first timeline. It's the most similar to the one I had in mind before. Sadly I've never played Doom 2016 cause my PC can't handle it so I've only seen videos and read about it. I would really like to see myself all those references to the past timelines. Do you have a link to somewhere I can read about the lore and everything that has something to do it?Has anyone documented all those testaments, codex entries and stuff? I would spend hours reading that. Also I didn't know there was more than one "Titan" skull in Titan's Realm. Imagine if a new Doom Bible was written containing all this and explaining all the timeline like Nintendo did with Zelda. That would be soooo sick. Oh, and where did you get those names for the demons? (wtf is a Bukavac)
  13. caikelm

    Oddball theory on the Marauder and Doomslayer

    You both lol That's really neat. I really hope the plot of the new Doom movie goes in a similar way. Well, I guess placing Doom 3 in the timeline is harder than I thought. I wish it was like Final Doom or Doom 64 that can easily be placed and removed from the canon with little to no difference.
  14. caikelm

    Oddball theory on the Marauder and Doomslayer

    How do you place Doom 3 in the timeline? I've always tried to put it alongside the other games lore-wise but I could never find a way to place it's story in the "canon".