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About Dravencour

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  1. Dravencour

    Do you "always run"?

    Honestly, I leave it on. Doom's never been a real stealth-ish game, and there are few situations that benefit from being slow, especially if you're in a pitched battle with an entire shitload of demons.
  2. Dravencour

    Do you do any drugs?

    Only drug I touch these days is caffeine, in the form of chocolate or soda. Used to drink wine coolers when I was younger, but have never touched beer.
  3. Dravencour

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I have never played the original three-episode DOOM from 1993. My first DOOM game was DOOM II, and my main experience with the game that started it all was The Ultimate DOOM, the one with Thy Flesh Consumed added on.
  4. Dravencour

    What Got You Into Doom?

    I first played Doom II during the 90s, courtesy of one of my cooler uncles who installed it upon an aunt's computer. I would pick up The Ultimate Doom later in the decade, the game that had both the original Doom and the Thy Flesh Consumed episode (which makes me one of the few old-school Doomers who never played the original three-episode game when it first came out). I first learned about Doom Wads through the RGDOOMED book that I got at Barnes and Noble forever ago, and ftp.cdrom.com was a common internet destination both at school and at home when I was able to get a computer that could run the game. It's truly amazing how far Doom has come since those heady early days, and what a 30-year-old game series is capable of with modern hardware and software.
  5. Dravencour

    What do you call Doomguy?

    Doomguy gets my general vote. It's primarily in 2016 and Eternal that he takes on the Doom Slayer mantle.
  6. Dravencour

    Favorite Doom YouTuber?

    BigMacDavis and Berserk Doomer are my current favorites, BigMac for his walkthroughs and Berserk Doomer for his Project Brutality and Guncaster badassery. Decino and Coincident are also big favorites of mine, particularly Coincident with his facerocket vids. I was also a big fan of Hexa and his Complex Doom vids back in the day, though he seems to have dropped off the face of the Doomsphere these days.
  7. I call these things "Pain in the Ass Elementals" for very good reason. With Cacos, you just have to deal with the one tomato. With these things, you have to deal with not only the Pain Elemental, but every one of the little flying skull bastards that it spits out. On limit removing mods especially, this can be a nightmare, as they can quickly fill up an entire room with the things, making you have to bust out something big like a BFG just to get rid of them all.
  8. Dravencour

    What are "Terry WADs?"

    Zulk RS basically has the right of it. A Terry Wad is a troll wad that usually starts out as a mediocre or even good-looking Doom map, but at some point, you'll try to open a door, hit a switch, or go through a teleporter, and then the Terry Trap happens, and you're hit with very obnoxious ear-rape and scripts designed to throw you around, kill and/or resurrect you again and again and/or flood your display with obnoxious text. Pretty much the only way to get out of a Terry Trap once it's sprung is either to kill yourself with the console, or restart the game. If you want to see what these things look like in action, Aquarius199 has a bunch of vids where he goes through them, and finding a Terry Trap in a level is grounds for him to give the level the Seal of Crap.
  9. Dravencour

    The "actually good mod idea" thread

    Back in the stupid doom mods thread, someone mentioned something called "Ultra Nightmare", and it put me in mind of the Ultra Nightmare difficulties from Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Simply put, all the monsters are at their most aggressive, do the most damage out of all the difficulties, and you can't use cheats (essentially what classic Nightmare would be like without the respawning monsters), and once you die, that is it for your run. We'd need a way to prevent savescumming though...
  10. Let's see here: Chaingunners: I would put these guys either very late in E1, or in E2. Hell Knights: Since the first Hell Noble fight proper is at the end of E1, E2 should be where these guys first appear. Revenants: E2 is where I'd put these guys, as something of a warmup for some of the nastier monsters and especially the Cyberdemon. Mancubi: I'd like to save these guys for E3. Pain Elementals: E2 or E3 for these guys, because at this point, you'll have fought a bunch of Lost Souls. Arachnotrons: I would put these guys in E3 in the levels leading up to the Spidey fight, or perhaps as part of the Spidey fight proper. Arch-Viles: E3, presented as the biggest sign that yes, you are in HELL.
  11. Shit. I still do on both major counts. I've recently beaten Doom Eternal on Hurt Me Plenty and am working on a map for GZDOOM for classic Doom II. And as for comics, I'm still in the planning stages for one of my own.
  12. Dravencour

    Doomworld has been compromised.

    And changed my password. About fucking time I did so. And I use a manager anyway, so changing it took only a handful of seconds.
  13. Dravencour

    Joel Builds An Arcade Machine

    Slowly and surely taking shape. I love this kind of project!
  14. Dravencour

    This one part in Arc Complex is unforgettable

    The restaurant section of ARC Complex is one of the more badass fights in the game, not the least because it's the only section of the game where the Berserk can be found in the wild as opposed to having to use the cheat code to get it.
  15. A damn shame. My current card is an EVGA (an RTX 3060), and it's been doing me quite good here.