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Cant delete my DW account

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About Cant delete my DW account

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  1. Cant delete my DW account

    How would you describe the whole Doom/Doom 2 in just 4 words?

    Just. Rip. And. Tear.
  2. Cant delete my DW account

    Any advice for a first time mapper?

    Just remember that by starting to map you accept for your mental sanity to be sold, to a certain John Romero.
  3. Cant delete my DW account

    Doom - The Way Romero Did - Let's show Romero we support him

    This is not gonna end good
  4. Cant delete my DW account

    Spider Mastermind Model Released for Doomsday

    It looks so right and so wrong at the same time
  5. Cant delete my DW account

    Decorate vs zscript

    ZScript is overall more unstable than Decorate,and most GZDOOM forks still do not support it. However it sure does wonders.
  6. Cant delete my DW account

    420 blaze it [weed][marihuana][thc][legalized it]

    Ow,I found the Stonermen's Cave
  7. Cant delete my DW account

    So how come people don't think Doom 3 is scary

    Because it isn't,especially in BFG Edition.
  8. Cant delete my DW account

    Doom Nightmare fuel

    Stealth Archvile in a flickering light level.
  9. Cant delete my DW account

    Old Doom Habits Die Hard

    Not an old habit,but I cannot live anymore playing Doom without jump/crouch unless my eyes see Chocolate Doom on the screen.
  10. Cant delete my DW account

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    Modpack that allows you to play various gameplay mods and mix and match them by using toggles and classes. For example Guncaster VS d4t monsters or Project Brutality VS Colorful Hell monsters...
  11. Cant delete my DW account

    Do level designers benefit from studying geometry?

    Mapping is mapping,it's not like a ceiling will break if you use an incorrect shape for it
  12. Cant delete my DW account

    Calling out Egregor

    Elaborate inb4 strike I'm coorious
  13. Cant delete my DW account

    “Doom: The Fake Outrage”

    NANI!? By the way,better off like this. *faith for humanity returns in the body*
  14. Cant delete my DW account

    Beta 64 - A 31 level megawad for Doom64 EX!

    Gr8 m8,I r8 8/8
  15. Yes,Tei Tenga would be the right choice IMO as well.