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About Xyzzу

  • Rank
    Spiritual Survivor

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  1. Xyzzу

    REKKR - V1.16

    Is it the "stomp" attack that apparently does nothing in DSDA-Doom? That's the only bug I can think of that may need looking into.
  2. Xyzzу

    I need a vanilla rifle

    Would the chaingun replacement in 1000 Lines 3 be of any interest?
  3. Sounds like a fireball (likely manc's or baron's) clipped outside the level and hit some part of it in the void.
  4. Shouldn't be the case as of the latest version. Use compat_fdteleport?
  5. Xyzzу

    Favorite Doom Pyramids?

    Dannebubinga uses revenants on pyramids like candles on a birthday cake: A few extras from Sunlust: And of course I gotta plug my own humble temple from Saturnia:
  6. Xyzzу

    games which are mostly text

    >Your lamp is now shining brightly! >You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. A low wide passage with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris here, but an awkward canyon leads upward and west. A note on the wall says: Magic Word "XYZZY" >A three foot black rod with a rusty star on an end lies nearby. There is a small empty bottle here. >_
  7. Xyzzу

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    lol https://www.dsdarchive.com/players/xyzz Just keep it like this and move my other demos there, I guess. I ain't changing my name anymore.
  8. Xyzzу

    Sprite rotation problems vanilla

    First, change SS_END to S_END as that's what vanilla uses. Then, remove MEDIA0 since it's not needed if you have all the other rotations and vanilla will bomb out with it.
  9. Xyzzу

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Ah, well if it automatically goes to all latin letters as of my latest demo then that's fine by me!
  10. Xyzzу

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    You can alias it? I thought as soon as my demo here gets uploaded it goes to a new player page called "Xyzzу" (second y is russian), as that's what my name is currently and I believe it no longer needs changing. I guess whatever works/looks correct since https://dsdarchive.com/players/yzzy isn't lol
  11. Xyzzу

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Enigma of Sector Sigma MAP05 UV-MAX in 1:34 eoss05-134.zip Don't forget to update my name on the archive
  12. that one joe-ilya map where there's a single zombieman and the map crushes you if either of you shoot:
  13. Xyzzу

    The COMPLVL Lump

    On today's episode of "Xyzzy shilling his own stuff because it happens to be relavant to some topic": MAP10 of this requires use of the Final Doom teleporter shenanigans in order to defeat an Icon of Sin: There's also this set from the sounds of it:
  14. Xyzzу

    Final Doom/TeamTNT sequels/tributes

    https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140188-saturnia-idgames-cl4/ https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/140713-obzen-now-on-idgames-32-plutonia-maps-limit-removing/
  15. Xyzzу

    Eternity Engine 4.02.00 Forseti

    Thanks for all your hard work, Altaz! ...could you check to see if MBF21's A_ConsumeAmmo and A_WeaponBulletAttack are working properly as well? They seem to do nothing on my end. EDIT: Here's a quick example BEX I whipped up: unnamed.zip The pistol should fire bullets that deal 50 damage and use 5 ammo per shot but it seems to be totally borked in EE. (I didn't bother adding a shoot sound or gunflash)