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About Rednov

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    Tourist on Phobos

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  1. Rednov


    I was replaying myhouse, to investigate the secret brutalist labyrinth (that one with the pool, the pit, etc). I don't know if this was reported in this topic because there are some pages I never read, and at the wiki there is nothing about that, but I listen a monster sound. I don't remember how it was, but it was similar to the roaring of the ghosts at the bathhouse or the monster at the liminal labyrinth when use idclip. Of course I didn't find any monster around. It's the second or third time I investigate this and never listen nothing. If no one reported this, it's surprising that new things are still coming out a year later, considering that the map has been studied even with level editors. If this was reported in a lost page of this topic, I'm sorry for this useless information.
  2. Rednov

    Old Still Life .wad

    Thanks for playing after a long time! I know that, you are right and it's a good point. Actually, the essence of the wad was being cryptic, spining around on dark halls like a lost soul (the 4-eye-switches is an example of that). I think I catched this essence and I'm happy with the results, but there was a problem which I notized when watched gameplays by @SoBad (I recommend, very funny): if there are a lot of secrets, many times you find accidentally a lot of secrets instead of progress or exit, which is tedious. And, on the other hand, the more secrets there are, the less reward, you cannot put a five megaspheres and seven megarmors on a single map, so the reward is ridiculous in many of them (it's like devaluation and inflation). In conclusion, I realized the problem and I'm considering that currently. I guess a map should have at most six secrets.
  3. Tasi Trianon in Amnesia: Rebirth. Shodan in System Shock if inorganic chracters count.
  4. Rednov

    cr2.wad [6 boom maps]

    If this wad were an animal, it would be a cat.
  5. Finished in HMP except secret levels. Masterpiece, one of those you have to close the stadium, one of those that open and close eras, the great problem is that it makes you cry when it ends, 10/10. I'll try UV soon. All the worlds catch you and play with you in their own way, but offering you serenity to explore its peculiarities: decayed heaven as if you were the fallen angel itself, sad at his fall from grace; precolombus empire where an explorer cries out to escape from ancient temples; brutalist complex, imposing japanese utopic architecture, clean but dirty concrete, modern temples which makes you stupidly small; feudal lordship as if you were a peasant abused by his lord for incomes; lost artic scientist base where something has happened but you never know what it is; timeless void of emerald, pretty stainless hell itself testing if you are worthy. Sincere congratulations to all the staff and thank you for contributing to keep the flame of Doom burning forever.
  6. You're right, finally I passed it easily even in HMP
  7. First of all, congratulations: I'm playing RC1 on HMP and for me it's one of the best wads ever created. I think the use of otex textures is exquisite, giving realism and keeping the Doom essence. The music, the combats, innovative resources... Everything is magnificent. However, I have one point, especifically with MAP24: Temeraire. Firstly I think it's one of the best maps of the wad. But I have some thoughts (spoilers?):
  8. You are partly right in my opinion, and I imagine that they created the hell knight in Doom2 because of that. But... as the wads became more complex, Barons are one of the best options in fights if they are "well" complemented with other kind of monsters, especially on narrow spaces or with obstacles. Even at slaughter battles with only Barons and a BFG, they could shit on you because you have to get too close because of the ammo (health too high).
  9. Rednov

    Old Still Life .wad

    Probably I'll upload a new version with corrections and other stuff which I started a year ago, but I'm busy to finish it at this time. Thanks for feedback!
  10. Predatory tribes centralized by a Fuhrer/Icon of Sin? Maybe, it's a good point.
  11. Rednov


    I don't think so. They want to shit in their pants because it gives them more audience. If they have to play it with 90s-00s graphics, they do it, and they don't only play recent games like Visage. But I think Doom is another thing and can't "supply" them with this kind of stuff. I mean, you can do this kind of map for Doom, but it requires a lot of imagination and being "tied" to a theme and an architecture, so it's hard to improvise. And we are talking about a masterpiece like myhouse.wad. It's not like mapping in the 2010s with a cchest4 inspiration. So, it's very difficult: it's difficult in movies, it's difficult in recent games, imagine how difficult is in Doom (unless you do a full-converted mod without any other connection with Doom except gzdoom). In my opinion, of course; maybe I'm wrong. However, Doom doesn't need this. The Doom community has been very active before myhouse.wad, doing a lot of stuff all the years. And it's already 30, so I assume that it will be active after myhouse.wad.
  12. Rednov

    Wormwood IV: The Final Chapter

    I'm on map05. Great stuff for now.
  13. Rednov

    Old Still Life .wad

    I know I'm late to post, but I was too busy this half-year. However, I have been looking at your reactions. Thank you all for feed back. I have in mind two new versions for Old Still Life: - 1.0.1: to correct the errors that I've noticed in your posts, etc. (trapping sectors, enemies that cannot be killed, HOMs, GZDoom...). - 1.1 or 2.0: the corrections of 1.0.1 plus a light reimagination 100% according to the atmosphere of the wad (more or less enemies at a determined zone, new sectors, decoration, secrets...). For technical major reasons, I can't start to make this stuff now. I hope to be able to do it before 2023. Thank you all one more time!
  14. Only the first two maps done, but brilliant and awesome the idea and the architecture.