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About sgtcrispy

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    Senior Member

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  1. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    huh, I can't even get freedoom to work in vanilla. Just stalls at wad load. Using dosbox might be a reason but anyway. Should use chocolate at least.
  2. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    RC 5 is posted.
  3. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    RC4 is up. Should be the last one.
  4. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    I literally just realized I moved the player start! DOH! Incoming fix.. god dammit lol
  5. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    RC 3 posted. Might call this one done unless any major issues spawn in.
  6. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Added a bit more ammo, another secret too shhh... and tweaked a few things here and there. RC2 wip links in top post (read: too lazy to copy)
  7. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Repopulated and ready for playtesting. Hopefully. MediaFire MEGA
  8. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

  9. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Redid the platforming area. Yes yes much better methinks.
  10. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Posted links for wip udate in main post. yay pics
  11. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Any errors are being addressed as this is a wip. No need to worry. :P
  12. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Since the original doom map, House of Pain, has a mix of marble and tech, I'm just going with a similar theme. Still a bit of texture work to do, so it wont be all brown metal.
  13. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Updated the wip in the main post. Still a bit more to add, outside viewing area at the least. I suck at update posts...
  14. sgtcrispy

    What are you listening to?

    Nectarine Demoscene Radio scenemusic.net
  15. sgtcrispy

    Freedoom Phase 1 E3M4 Refresh

    Still working on it, but hit a bit of a wall with the ending area. Atm I've ditched the old maze and hallway sections completely and am building from scratch there. Been working in a bit more height variations in so its not all flat. Exit room I like but still a stumped on the rest. Another maze? More hallways? Anyway here a few pics of the exit room area and its entrance with more detailing as well as a map shot.