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About doomfighter667112349

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  1. doomfighter667112349

    Twilight Descends Redone (Single Doom II Map)

    this map looks beautiful great work
  2. doomfighter667112349

    Announcement to mappers: New lava-fall texture

    map10 is a great map still waiting for the updated version of the map and have great day jewellds
  3. doomfighter667112349

    MAP01 facelift

    oh hello blastfrog is good to see you again and this is a great update of map01
  4. doomfighter667112349

    Phase 2, MAP12 > MAP 20 (plus secret maps) management thread

    and map18 the jenesis map fits map06 slot more than slot18
  5. doomfighter667112349

    [Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] Achievement Ideas? (p13)

    waiting for chapter 3 because it looks amazing and good day torm
  6. doomfighter667112349

    My second Doom map ever!

    very cool map reminds me of sigil
  7. doomfighter667112349

    What's the deal with the sailor

    yeah i agree with you p41r47 woolball is fitting for freedoom wolfenstein replacements
  8. doomfighter667112349

    In Freedoom credits

    hello i have a question who made the current map02
  9. doomfighter667112349

    Let's name Freedoom's levels!

    my favorite freedoom episode 1 map is also e1m6
  10. doomfighter667112349

    Let's name Freedoom's levels!

    i miss the old maps like old map19 the castle map and the old e1m1
  11. doomfighter667112349

    Let's name Freedoom's levels!

    yeah e1m2 is my favorite freedoom 1 map
  12. doomfighter667112349

    Phase 2, MAP12 > MAP 20 (plus secret maps) management thread

    i like the current map03 and map05
  13. doomfighter667112349

    I made a filing cabinet! (Doom Builder)

    cool i really like sector furniture
  14. doomfighter667112349

    Names For The Enemies

    i really like the new name for minigun zombie agm trooper very better name
  15. doomfighter667112349

    Phase 2, MAP12 > MAP 20 (plus secret maps) management thread

    and map15 is my favourite map in cluster 2