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About Fairweather

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Fairweather


    I also had the same navigation issues (the ledge and the way back up from the water). It also feels really bad to disable strafing.
  2. Ah, the entire question confused me on that basis alone, mb.
  3. You can certainly disable autorun in Eternity, in fact I believe it's off by default.
  4. Probably Magnolia on the secret UV skill settings. Map 1 and 2 are pretty breezy, but 3 is just a test of everything I've done as a Doom player. Resources, time, patience. It's utterly brutal and I am not ashamed to say I still don't have anything but a first exit. Single segment seems completely out of my skill level for now.
  5. Fairweather

    Doom Pictures Thread 2021

    babies first sector lighting trick, this was fun (and tedious)
  6. Fairweather

    Doom Pictures Thread 2020

    1st map done, now for the rest of the megawad eh?
  7. This looks awesome visually, but I have some major problems with the gameplay. It seems like every room is just spammed with a random assortment of monsters and your only course of action upon entering a room is to walk back and take them out from the doorway, so combat always feels a bit one-dimensional like holding M1 is your only recourse. This wouldn't be so bad if there were difficulty settings, but HNTR having you spawn surrounded by 4 hitscanners, a shotgunner and countless imps armed only with a pistol seems a bit silly. I guess there's no skill level adjustments to speak of, which is a big oversight imo even for a first release/beta.
  8. Fairweather

    Doom Pictures Thread 2020

    Vanilla NaNoWADMo stuff I've been chipping away at.
  9. Fairweather

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    That's the one! Many thanks, lot's of nostalgia for this wad.
  10. Fairweather

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Old level, cloning facility, has a hinged door, ends with blowing up cloning vats w/ a switch that dunks on hidden Romero Heads, quite old IIRC.
  11. Fairweather

    Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

    I don't really see enemies as "Good" or "Bad" depending on how much of a personal nuisance they are, just on if they can / usually are used in interesting ways by good mappers who understand how to utilize them.. and the Mastermind never, ever hits that mark, at least for me. Every time I see her I just let out a sigh and get to blasting.
  12. Fairweather

    Which Doom II enemy is worse than the arch-vile

    Surprised that the Spider Mastermind never comes up in these discussions, she's so utterly shit with zero redeeming qualities. Everything else at least introduces a cool gameplay element, but the Mastermind is just a shitehouse Cyberdemon and does way too much (realistically) undodgable damage. Revenants are good mid-tier fodder with a unique mechanic, making them valuable to the sandbox. Archy has amazing utility in levels, is extremely easy to deal with if you have two working brain cells, but represents another unique threat in it's resurrecting and delayed hitscan. Chaingunners are fine when used well - which a lot of wads don't - but I don't think that's a good enough reason to write them off, in fact, i prefer them in the sandbox to Former Humans or Sergeants. Lost Souls are annoying, pose a very small threat, and don't really introduce anything interesting.. they'd be probably be second to the Mastermind for me for more 'bad'.
  13. Fairweather

    Cacowards 2020 Mentionation Thread

    Another one for DBP23: Evil Egypt
  14. Fairweather

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Aenima was way better.
  15. Fairweather

    NEW MAP - Infested Citadel (UPDATED)

    Port compatibility? That's usually good to list.