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About Tango

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  1. you’ll need to use the Scale property to shrink it down ingame if you don’t want to reduce the image resolution. ctrl+f for it on this page: https://zdoom.org/wiki/Actor_properties you’ll need to create a new monster in Decorate or Zscript to apply this property to it. if this is just a zombieman reskin for example, create an actor that inherits from Zombieman and replaces Zombieman, and add the scale propery and nothing else. I am not at my desktop at the moment so I can’t type up a full example, but let me know if you’d like one and I can come back later if someone hasn’t beaten me to it
  2. ah, I was almost there - I just need to call missile.AngleTo() instead of AngleTo() (which would be from the monster's origin, not the adjusted projectile) again, thanks so much for the help Gez!
  3. well that would explain it hah. thanks Gez! I tried overriding the velocity that way and it complains that "velocity is an unknown identifier", so I guess maybe I can't manually override the velocity like that. I then tried to use VelFromAngle to do the same thing but that results in no change:
  4. I've written some Zscript that allows monsters to fire successive projectiles at the player's previous location once the firing started, rather than re-aiming each projectile. Here's what it looks like in motion: The shellbox is the "proxy target" that gets placed at the player's location when the projectile volley starts. Here's the code where this behavior is defined: Then this is used in a monster's Missile states like so: This works great right now for missiles fired straight on, or fired with a specified angle. But now I want to add the ability to adjust the position that the projectile is fired from, so that monsters can shoot from somewhere other than their center, for example. So I change MissileAtProxy like so, and alter the monster firing code so it does the same thing as before (one direct stream, one at a -10 angle): This works great still. But if I try offsetting the projectiles instead of firing them at an angle, they get fired parallel to the direct missiles, and not properly aimed at the target: Based on the limited documentation of SpawnMissileXYZ, my impression is that the projectile should always be aimed at the target destination. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I need to re-adjust the offset missile's velocity to the target's position somehow?
  5. really appreciate this mate :D I did one in the previous version as a one-off, but I don't have any plans to do this regularly at the moment. partially because, well, I've not been making any updates on the regular at the moment hah. if any other folks are keen on making a version like that, I'd be happy to add a download link in the OP though! yeah that's a really cool idea! I think it maintains a little bit of use as a sniping weapon but it does get overshadowed. I think it's unlikely I'll be making any major updates to the mod for a while though - what I'd really like to do is a sort of soft reset of Supercharge, with an arsenal reset to remove all the new weapons and maybe even make the base weapon roster a little more lean. if I ever do get to this, it would be primarily for the purpose of use in my own mapset, with its use as a gameplay mod as a bonus. but there's a lot of work to make that happen still D: @Ether thanks for reporting this! and Novarain for fixing it in your edited versions! I still plan to make a small update to the mod to fix that and add some of the changes I made for Godless Night, but first I still gotta finalize that mapset 😬
  6. Tango

    What have I missed?

    hah I'm so glad you found this post. do you still have your old skulltag maps?? 🤔
  7. I have grown quite partial to zdoom automatically loading from my last save upon death instead of starting the level over, though I know I could emulate this but just binding a quickload key…
  8. Tango

    advice for making cave levels seem natural

    I think a good bet is to just find caves by other authors and poke around those in the editor. I really love the way Lutz does caves, so I’ve spent a lot of time running around Doom 2: Hellscape either ingame with -nomonsters or in the editor, then trying to replicate that myself. everyone does caves a lil differently though!
  9. Tango

    Favorite Doom Music Composer?

    they are all great, but I really love Kniggit’s work on the Darkening E2 soundtrack and would kill to have more tracks like that!
  10. Tango

    Making Console Font/BigFont/SmallFont

    I have been meaning to better document the process somehow after the last few times I have messed with this stuff. if I remember to later and someone else doesn’t beat me to the punch, I should really properly document it. but in the meantime, tl;dr off the top of my head encase each character of the font in one color, and lay them out in the proper order save as a pcx, making sure the bg color is a specific index and the outline color is another specific index. one should be index 0 and the other 255 I think, but I don’t remember which run whatever the appropriate command is with imagetool on the pcx file if it errors out somehow, double check the color indices are correct, and make sure there is plenty of empty background buffer space to the right of the rightmost edge of the font grid, and same for below. if the right edge of the image is precisely at the right edge of a character border, I think that will cause an error
  11. Tango

    Alternative Gameplay Modding?

    I reckon they probably just mean something equivalently flexible as zscript but in a client/server multiplayer port
  12. what a wonderful set! I only played the first 3 maps proper, but the other two look amazing and I can't wait to sit down and play map05 proper because it is a looker. I continue to really admire your encounter design - your maps are one of the first I go to when I am struggling to come up with high monster count encounters. also gotta callout @Psyrus' midis, they are so good
  13. Tango

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    I want to live in your screenshots ;__;
  14. Tango

    Share Your Sprites!

    I am actually quite fond of the red bits you added, I think it looks great!
  15. Tango

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    those look amazing! the texture/material layering work is really superb, it all looks beautiful