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About Loomis

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  1. Wolf 3D was banned not before January 1994, so they could have played it legally.
  2. Cool, didn't know about that. The PC Games scan seems to be gone though.
  3. I found some 30 year old German magazines containing reviews of DOOM and DOOM 2. I thought some of you might want to have a look. It is interesting, that while the reviews give the games rather positive ratings, the reviews are nowhere as enthusiastic as you might think 30 years later, as we are still loving and playing DOOM today! The magazines are: PC Joker 2/94 PC Joker 10/94 PC Games 12/94
  4. Loomis


    Well, it indeed looks like Doom 2 Level 16...
  5. Loomis


    Since @Not Jabba mentioned that Veddge is a vegetarian, it came to my mind that "Veddge" could just be short for "Vegetarian" with a little altered spelling.
  6. Argh, why can't this be a "32 monsters challenge" project, haha? My "Shotgun Gambit" has (and needs to have) exactly 32 monsters:
  7. Loomis

    Abandoned Subspace V2

    Hey bro, why no screenshots?
  8. I'd say, if it's unused, then remove it...
  9. Loomis


    Well, that was definitely a trip. More than once I wasn't sure if my mind played tricks on me or if it was the map itself. This was a map like I never experienced one in 30 years of playing Doom. Also thanks to @Jimmy from my side, without the Doomwiki article I wouldn't have found my way through that nightmare.
  10. Loomis


    I played it and found no issues. I think the map was a bit too easy with all the weapons available ;-)