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About Rabbid

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  1. based on the videos and stuff I might try this mod lol
  2. who was streaming it? also I guess I'm not the only person experiencing them...idk because the issues stopped eventually so really...who knows... I've never had issues with limit removing mapsets before... probably, either way that's just unfortunate, the map looks pretty good, if a lot of trees = very good of course, which i do because I think detail is the main thing that makes a map good, and of course, it makes logical sense.
  3. wait the issues just stopped on map 32...what the heck? y'know what just forget I mentioned the texture issues for some reason for me they were glitching out heavily, it's a great map now
  4. I think the cover on map32 isn't consistant, that's why it's not too great to play through, it's fair sure, but its not consistant, you can be shot from somewhere completely random plus maybe a lite-map would be useful traversing it, there's blood on the floor that form a path yes, but you can't see them on prboom and it's a bit inconsistant, plus you're saying you wouldn't let that in on a normal map, but I'll be honest, there is several maps where I just gave up trying to pistol start them, I was thinking all maps after w were just not fun to pistol start if possible for some of them, w and z are like so difficult I don't see it as even worthwhile to try pistol starting them, and so far the 4 extra after have been...not great (except the euro map, that one was actually pretty good, a breathe of fresh air) I might be just generally annoyed after map31 and 32 but honestly I kind of dropped interest, I think I also forgot how to beat map 16 pistol start, even then I still don't see why you would pistol start map 16 ngl keep in mind that I'm not a bad doomer, I've beaten most of the maps up to then without cheating, plus I like hard maps, I'm not mad at the creators, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just saying some of these maps should've been playtested by people who care about pistol starting because I don't see much playtesting in that department, w and z I've tried but I see them as too unreasonable to be pistol started and both secret maps are too difficult to pistol start either from a lack of ammo and health or generally lack of weapons (keep in mind I was running through the forest, so I almost certainly missed something on map32) again, not trying to be mean, I literally am making a 7 map mapset that trumps a bunch of these maps in difficulty for freak sake, I just think a few of these maps should be nerfed, like map31 is fine sure, but also keep in mind, I'm a completionist and I like to 100% things, so when I see these maps have a lack of ammo and more monsters than I can deal with, I get sad and annoyed which I don't want, I'm not complaining on the maps in general, most of them are great looking, I'm just saying from a completionist's pov, they're too difficult to complete 100% and map z honestly needs a giant nerf at the start however I can complain about Map32's look a bit because on prboom, idk if the other source ports...the textures tend to freak out and I've been complained to about things similar before so I know for a fact when a lot more people get to that map they're not gonna be happy... it looks fine and I like the detail to the map, but the texture issues really ruin it TL:DR: the maps are fine mostly, but from a completionist's view they're unfair, map32 has too many texture issues that needs to be fixed and some maps, for the completionists, should be nerfed, not trying to be mean or hurt the creator's of the map's feelings, I personally see these maps as great looking, just some things could be fixed to make them easier for other players who are 100%ing.
  5. uh, I just got through maps 31 and 32...did nobody playtest these maps? both of them are ridiculously hard pistol started, if not impossible (map32 has no super shotgun or weapons to deal with the 13 archviles, it's not physically reasonably or possible to beat it pistol start, and map 31 has just a general lack of ammo, plus health and the weapons given just genuinely suck to deal with the archviles) and map 32 is a huge buggy mess...atleast on PRboom+ like I've never raged at a map more than 31 in this whole pack, it feels like map 31 and 32 were intentionally made to anger pistol starters, map 31 while it isn't impossible, it's not worth it to 100% and map 32 is literally just impossible...
  6. yeah I don't know why it runs Zandronum slowly either...
  7. uhh, do not use the dehacked on zandronum, I did that and uh...yeah it was a mistake... it makes it run...extremely slowly for some reason...
  8. I will be honest, despite all the hell I went through during the mapping process, it was worth it in the end. Btw don't ask me what happened during it... because I don't remember 90% of it...unless it was like extremely halting to the progress of the map lol
  9. Let me say this, I think I'm glad I got my map done when I did... simply put yesterday I went to the beach, ended up returning home feeling terrible which would really be hard to map with...plus today I don't feel as great, so pretty much I am lucky that version was enough...
  10. Rabbid

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    I'm pretty sure me and them would be pretty even, so I'm probably not screwed, especially since my PFP is legit just off a zombieman replacement in my mod which has many clones of her, but definitely not gonna defeat them
  11. ok, I don't see any issues anymore...if YOU (because I personally don't) do please tell me, but at this point I'm pretty sure this map is done and I can finally rest...hopefully...not even gonna bother changing its folder name New folder (3).zip
  12. idk I'll just try this one last thing, if thats not it I'm posting the map anyways as there is no fixing a pretty much insignificant bug pretty much when I put the box on the sector I think that caused the issue as before I did that it wasn't there.
  13. ok, I've tried drawing a box around it, I've rebuilt the sector I've done legit everything...its not working.